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Random Celeb Gossip

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Thanks to the Zinio app (and the People Magazine app) on my iPad, I have been able to reconnect with the happenings of the celebrity world. Zinio “transforms your favorite print magazines into digital format. Same content . Same design. Delivered over the Internet. Straight to your desktop.”(*) Now when I have a free minute I can just scroll through the pages of US Weekly and Star and People and see what is going on with my girls on Teen Mom and Lindsey Lohan. Here are some of my thoughts on the latest celebrity scandals.

Photo Credit: No clue. Maybe the NOPD?

Nicolas Cage. What a mess.  My sources (LOL) tell me that he was hammered in a tattoo shop (ALWAYS a good idea to get a tattoo when you are bombed) and got into a fight with his wife, grabbed her arm and then pulled her.  And then was basically just acting like an idiot and making a scene in the street.  Sounds to me like he was bombed out of his mind and needs to stop drinking so much.  Just a tip.  I don’t read much about him in my magazines, so I am not sure if it has always been Charley Sheen crazy, or if this was just a one time thing?  I am inclined to believe it was just a one time thing.  But I still wouldn’t be surprised if he entered rehab.

Photo Credit: In Touch

Leah and Corey of Teen Mom 2 are getting divorced. They had been married for 6 months and although it seemed like Leah knew getting married wasn’t the best idea, she did it anyways. I am not sure exactly what went wrong, his infidelity, money and gender roles were the main issues.  But either way, it’s done.  Considering that they were the strongest couple on Teen Mom 2, I don’t think it holds much hope for Chelsea and Adam, who are the only couple left standing.  And just so you know, I think she should dumb his free-loading butt ASAP.

Photo Credit: Google Images

And the award for biggest hot mess of 2011 goes to Brooke Mueller. Actually it’s a tie between her and Charlie, but right now, she’s winning. Duh. Once again she has fallen off the wagon and is back in rehab. And for some reason, Charlie was not awarded custody of the twins today. Not really sure who is watching them? Not that going on the road with Charlie and the goddesses is a great place either. But Denise Richards offered to take temporary informal custody until one of those idiots could get their act together, which would seem to be the best idea, but what do I know? I certainly would like to know what Denise Richards ever saw in him.

Photo Credit: TMZ (As if you couldn't tell)

I don’t have much to say about these two. Except why are they together? And where did they meet? And why are they together?

This is pure speculation, but I think Kirstie and Max are doing it. She’s feisty and talks back to Max and he likes being bossed around like that. Again it’s pure speculation, but I would bet in it in Vegas! Get it girl!!!!!!!!

(*) No one paid me for this. Seriously.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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