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Target Easter Clearance ~ Round 2 (75% off)

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Just as I had hoped, Target’s Easter clearance went to 75% off today! I heard that it was only marked down to 70% in some areas around the country as part of a test market thing. I am glad that wasn’t happing here!

I scored lots of goodies, including an Easter Sing-A-Ma Jig which was hiding in the regular aisles. As a matter of fact, I found lots of stuff “hiding” in the regular aisles. I am pretty sure someone hid it in various places hoping that no one would notice it. I kind of think hiding stuff to be buy later is a bit like cheating. 1/2 of the fun of the 75% and 90% off sales is finding the stuff that got misplaced (or finding someone else’s stash of stuff). Did you hit up Target today? What did you get?

Oh and don’t even ask what I am doing with all this stuff.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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