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Things I Love Thursday: MTV Reality “Stars”

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Come on, admit it, there are reality stars you love to hate too. Every week, you tune in knowing a train wreck is going to happen and you are going to want to start screaming at the tv, yet you watch anyways. Well, I know I do anyways. I don’t know where MTV finds these people, but they always come up with some good entertainment! Here are my favorite MTV train wrecks(*):

Amber & Gary.

Amber (from Teen Mom): Oh Amber, you are something else.  I do not believe for one second that she lost all that weight by eating healthy and doing Krav Maga.  Umm, no.  I won’t speculate on how she lost it, but I do have my guesses.  Her fights with Gary were classic.  I do not know what he saw in her.  Or what she saw in him for that matter!  Remember when he met that girl at Walmart and she went all crazy on him?  OMG, and don’t even’t get me started on her GED studies.  Good lord.  She spent so much time talking about the GED and so little time actually studying for it.  How hard exactly is the GED?  I mean really.  Does anyone know?  Please report back if you do.


Heidi and Spencer

Heidi & Spencer (from The Hills): What would a post about MTV Reality Stars be without the famewhores that are Heidi and Spencer.  They started off fairly normal and then it just got crazy.  Are they still married?  Are they divorced?  Do they live together in Costa Rica?  Why do I even care?  All questions I ask myself. Ohhh, and do they really have a sex tape?  I am going with no on this one since if they did, I feel like it would be they would have sold that thing to anyone who would buy it.  And the plastic surgeries.  Oh the plastic surgeries.  I’d like to believe she is coming around and knows what she did wasn’t, umm, normal.  But since it’s Heidi who knows if she’s telling the truth??? I know for sure she looked what better before she had all that work done!


Jenelle (and Barbara)

Jenelle (Teen Mom 2): I’m loving the crazies on this season of Teen Mom. Some days I think Jenelle is the crazy one and some days I think Barbara (her mom) is the crazy one and I feel bad for Jenelle. I wonder how much Jenelle smokes in a day. Every time I see her eyes, you can totally tell that she’s stoned. And Kieffer. What is the attraction there? He doesn’t have a place to live, doesn’t work, doesn’t have a job and isn’t even good looking. He must have some amazing connections on where to score weed. I won’t even go there with her current legal issues but it cracks me up that she actually thinks she is on the right track and will be getting custody of her son back soon. NOT.



Dianne (Fat Camp): Dianne is quite possibility my favorite MTV Reality Star of all time. I could watch Fat Camp 10 times in a row and still laugh every time. She couldn’t have wanted to be at Fat Camp less and made sure everyone knew it. She did not participate in any events or try to lose any weight at all and basically seemed to hate, well life. Until that concert when she was ROCKING OUT. That imagine of Dianne just loving life at that moment was the best. I pretty much crack up every time she comes on the screen. I cracked up when I was searched for a picture on google. Dianne, you are the best! And MTV, play a rerun of this ASAP. Please!!!


Adam (Real World Back to Vegas): Let’s just get this straight. Adam has a girl back home who he pretty much controls? He never mentions he actually has a girlfriend back home. Adam is sleazy and not only does he look like a jerk, but he is a jerk. He gets more than wasted at the club on numerous occasions, gets carried back to the room and then proceeds to smash bottles on the floor and trash the suite. And despite all this, Nany is super attracted to him and breaks up with her boyfriend for him and is pretty much devastated when he leaves. Umm, okay. She may have worse taste in men than Heidi. She must like a project, because she has for sure got her hands full with him. I’d be super annoyed if this kid was my roommate and probably would have cheered when he had to move out!

I can’t wait to hear who your favorite MTV Reality Stars are!!! And what do you think of the ones I picked??

(*) This may be a two part series since there are so many that I “love”!
Note: All photos were obtained from google images and likely can be credited to MTV.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!