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Life’s Important Questions..

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I spend many nights laying awake in bed pondering important questions in my life. I’m sharing them here in hopes that some of you out there can add some guidance.

  • Why are there so many good shows on tv on Tuesday nights?  The Voice, Deadliest Catch, Teen Mom, Hardcore Pawn, Biggest Loser and last night the Red Wings were on too!  I swear smoke was coming out of my DVR.
  • Am I the only one who remembers the episode of My Super Sweet Sixteen with Cee Lo’s daughter on it?  Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about this when they talk about Cee Lo?
  • Does my husband also play the see-how-much-trash-you-can-fit-into-the-trash-can-before-you-have-to-change-it game (aka, the garbage game) or am I the only player? And if I am the only player, why do I always lose?
  • Do people really believe and respond to those spam e-mails asking for your SSN, credit card info, etc.?  Really?
  • Didn’t everyone in school learn the difference between they’re, their and there? It appears THERE were a lot of absences the day THEIR teachers taught that.  I was absent the day they taught spelling if that makes them feel any better.
  • Why doesn’t my city have a fro yo place??  We have (almost) everything else. But no fro yo :(.

If you know the answers to any of these, please let me know so I can get some sleep! 😉

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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