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Things I Love Thursday: Discontinued Products Edition

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So often we get totally hooked on a product and then boom it’s gone from the shelves. I don’t really know how this happens to things I like, because I feel like it, everyone else should too. And if we all like it, how did it get discontinued? So many questions. This we for my Things I Love Thursday, I thought I would share some of the products that I loved that have been discontinued.

BBW: Tutti Dolci

I totally loved the Tutti Dolce line from Bath & Body Works. My favorite was the Lemon Meringue on.  The smell was fabulous and the lotion was a great texture.  Not to thin and drippy, but not super thick either.  Just looking at this picture makes me wish I had a stockpile of this stuff somewhere.  I don’t recall exactly when this was discontinued, but it’s been at least 5 years since they have sold it.  The packaging was so cute too.  It caught my eye every time I went into the store.  Ugh.  This makes me sad just thinking about it!

Rice Krispies Treat Cereal

I don’t think I have ever actually read the box before, but to call this cereal “wholesome” might be a bit of an overstatement. Full of sugar (and super delicious) would be a better description. I have fond memories of crunching on these after some late nights of drinking. Some of the memories may be blurry depending on what was consumed, but I would never forget how tasty these are. They basically are little hunks of cripsy/hard rice krispie treats. And then one day I went to the store and they were just not there anymore. So sad.

Clearly Canadian

During my effort not to drink Diet Pepsi (full disclosure: I fell off the wagon. Diet Pepsi in hand), I was thinking about what other drinks I liked and might work. And I thought back to Clearly Canadian. These were all the rage when I was in middle school. I remember big discussions with my friends about who got to drink what flavor. I liked the strawberry one best. Yummy! I did read that these are still sold in Canada, but usually in plastic bottles. Maybe next time I run for the border I will stop and check this out.

Crystal Pepsi

What’s not to like about clear Diet Pepsi? Isn’t pepsi good in all colors, shapes and sizes? Why can we have Pepsi Max, but not this? I hope that Pepsi releases a special edition of this one day. I need it back. I think I was maybe in high school (aka a LONG time ago) when this came out, yet I still remember it.

Oreo O's

I saved the best for last. Oreo O’s cereal. This may be the most delicious cereal ever. I couldn’t be sadder that this is no longer being sold. I have heard that it is still sold in South Korea and I am considering planning a trip there so I can get my hands on some of this. Or one of my many international readers (I am sure there are hundreds – lol) could send me a box. I can’t even explain why this is so good. I used to put my cereal in a ziplock bag and eat it as I was driving to work. Nothing says morning better than sugary treats! I think someone (maybe me) needs to start a movement to bring this back. OMG, I just checked Wikipedia and realized that there problem between Post and Kraft since one has rights to the recipe and the other has rights to the Oreo trademark. Totally devastating. Forget Bora Bora. My dream destination is now South Korea where I will bring an empty suitcase full of Oreo O’s!

Are there any products that you loved that are now discontinued? I cannot wait to hear about them. Maybe there is someone out there that misses Oreo O’s just as much as I do!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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