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Things I Love Thursday: Current Obsessions Edition

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1. Lululemon Slipless Headbands: I cannot stand hair touching my face at all when it’s super hot out and I am playing outside with L or at the gym.  I picked up a headband during my Lulu visit hoping that I’d like it and that it’d do the trick.  And OMG, I loved it. It really doesn’t slip.  And it’s not uncomfortable at all.  And it was only $12.  Score!

2. My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding: I briefly mentioned this show a few weeks ago and I am still totally obsessed.  It’s wrong on so many levels, I don’t know where to begin.  Supposedly the girls are all innocent and pure and cannot approach boys, date, etc.  Yet, it is totally acceptable for them to dress like hookers (actually I think comparing the two is offensive to hookers) and get their freak on on the dance floor of all these insane weddings?  Interesting.  And they get married at 16 or 17 and having weddings they have dreamed of for “their entire life”.  The wedding dresses are tacky as all get out, weigh a billion pounds and cost a trillion bucks.  And no one, I mean no one, ever mentions money.  Or really seems to be working for that matter.  Where does it come from?  Who knows.  All I know is that I love this show.

3. Vitamin Water Zero:   Umm, why didn’t anyone tell me this stuff was so good?  And that it (at least some flavors) has no calories?  I guess the word “zero” should have been a hint, but whatever. Now, I realize that regular tap water would be better to drink, but this has to be an improvement on Diet Pepsi no? My favorites are Rise and Squeezed.

4. SpongeBob Squarepants:  This is not my current obsession (that should be obvious), it’s L’s  He LOVES Spongebob and can’t get enough. I’ve already had enough and the obsession has only been going on for 2-3 weeks. L also now quotes the show (example: “Another Day, Another Nickel”), which I will admit, cracks me up. Speaking of Spongebob, has anyone stayed at the Nickelodean Suites Hotel? I ‘d love to hear about it (for way down the road!).

5. WD Digital Harddrive: I like to download my pictures to my desktop and then transfer them to my laptop via Memory Stick. Only I always leave the memory stick on my computer and then drag it all over the place, which pretty much ruins the stick because I’m not careful. Ooops! But now, Bryan got me a mini harddrive (we already have a big external one that we save all of our important files to). But this is perfect for traveling, etc. If you aren’t backing up your computer on a regular basis, you better!

What are you into these days?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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