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So I was reading USA Today yesterday (*) and came across an interesting poll. It asked: “Would you give a total stranger 24/7 access to your computer in exchange for a million dollars?”. They polled both men and women and 60% of the men said no, they wouldn’t, while 80% of the women said they wouldn’t give a stranger access.
I am going to assume that they are not talking about giving a stranger access to steal all of your financial information / identity / credit cards / etc. and instead just take it to mean that you are allowing someone to read your e-mails, message board postings, google searches, web pages viewed, various letters or whatever other documents you have saved, etc.
So would you do it? For the record, I would. I am pretty sure that “someone” (Google or U-Verse) already has access to most of that information anyways, so what’s the difference? And it’s not all that interesting anyways. And while a million dollars might not be “that much” money to some people, it’s a lot to me! I can’t wait to hear what you all would do!
(*) The actual hard copy newspaper. Not online. Amazing.