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Random Ramblings

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So much to say, but none of it is worthy enough of it’s own blog post. So here goes:

  • It’s been over 24 hours since the premier of Teen Mom and I’m still thinking about it.  Back in the day I thought Maci was great and Ryan was an idiot.  I now think that Maci, while a good mom, is part idiot too.  And Ryan?  Well all I see now when I look at him on my tv is hot.  I used to think that Gary and Amber should never get back together again.  I now think that Gary and Amber are pretty much the perfect couple.  For each other.  I have always loved Caitlin and Tyler, however, it’s their own faults for not finishing school.  Really, you fell behind?  Why?  As for Farrah, well, I have always had a soft spot for her.  Her mom is clearly a nut and Farrah is clearly clueless most of the time, but she owns it.  She knows she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed and doesn’t pretend she is.  And she’s so cute with Sophia!  Maybe that did deserve its own post.
  • I am getting super excited for Target’s annual summer clearance sales.  I am not sure what I “need”, but I went on a mission today so I know what to look for during the 90% off hunts.
  • While at said Target, I bought L some colored bubbles.  Orange Crayola ones to be exact.  When we played with them yesterday, I realized that they turn skin and clothes orange. I know it’s washable, but still.
  • I think Sponge Bob looks more like cheese than a sponge.
  • I do think Casey Anthony is guilty of something (I’m not 100% sure if it’s murder or neglect or what though), but I agree with the jury’s decision.  And I am super interested to see where she will go when she gets out of jail.  Everyone in America hates her, except for maybe her legal team.  Where will she live?  With Jose Baez?  Where else would she live?  Pretty sure she’s broke right now and supposedly her parents hate her.  Although, I’m not sure I believe that.  We’ll see.
  • I dyed my hair again on Monday and it took my husband about 10 hours to notice.  His exact words were “When did you dye your hair?”.  Umm, a long time ago.  I should note that we spent the entire day together.
  • B and I don’t have a song.  Are we the only ones?  We really aren’t that type, but maybe we need one.  What’s your song?
  • I am still thinking about another vacation.  But where to go?  Maybe a cruise.  Maybe a beach.  Maybe Niagara Falls like my friend the Yuppie Traveler.  Any suggestions?

Now that I have gotten all that out, I want to know what you’re rambling about today???

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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