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Yeah, I’m not going to deny it.  I totally stole this idea from Shannon.  I’ll give credit where credit is due, but I am still stealing the idea.  Here’s what I have been loving lately:

  • The 2012 IKEA catalog.  Mongstad mirror, this is the year I will make you mine.
  • Target.  As if you didn’t already know that.
  • L’s “stories”.  They are usually long and contain more made up information than facts.  And I love them.
  • Cool summer nights.  Nothing better than sleeping with the windows open and feeling that chill in the air.
  • Gmail chats.  The most hysterical conversations happen on gmail chat.
  • The veggies we have growing in the garden.
  • Being organized.  What’s not to like?
  • Vegas.  I’m only been there 7 times and am ready for more.  If you can’t find something to do in Vegas, there is something wrong with you.
  • Winning.  Duh.  I got a call yesterday about a potential win (*) and I was thrilled!
  • Seeing pictures of B from his boys weekend.  The planking ones cracked me up the most.
  • Getting packages delivered.  L and I LOVE seeing stuff on the porch.  And we always try and guess what’s in it before we open it.
  • Jersey Shore.  Big Brother.  The Challenge Rivals.  All those storage unit auction shows.  I pretty much love summer tv.
  • When B watches my shows with me and comments on them and laughs at them, even though he claims he hates them.
  • Buddy and Baxter.  For being so nice to L.  L took Baxter for a ride yesterday in his Escalade and Baxter just sits there so nice.  Kids ride by on their bikes.  Dogs walk by with their owners.  Cars pass.  We stop and talk to the neighbors.  And Baxter still just sits so nice.  I think people who see the two of them may think Baxter is a stuffed animal!
  • My iPhone.  Loves it.
  • Pinterest.  I haven’t pinned anything in a few days and I am going through withdrawal!
  • Finding an amazing deal on something you totally wanted when you were least expecting it!
So what are you loving these days?

(*) As most sweepers know, “wins” aren’t really wins until you get the prize and/or your affidavit has been accepted.  In this case, I need to turn my affidavit in.  And no one publicly announces their wins until that has been confirmed.  But I will that you that it’s a short trip to a place in the US that I have never been before.  So clearly it’s not a trip to Vegas.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!