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Midweek Musings

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  • I loved the follow-up (aka are they still crazy) episode of Hoarders so much.  The lady that had 36 cats in her house (13 of which were dead) was the most interesting by far.  By the way, it wasn’t her fault the cats died.  It was “the cats fault”.  Umm, okay.  I cannot believe how fabulous her house looked at the follow up.  Her son wins son of the year.  Hands down.
  • I have discovered from the search terms which lead people to my blog, that lots of other people also miss Oreo O’s and tons of people want to make their own Melted Crayon Art.  Seriously, melted crayon art is where it’s at.  My next project is to tackle this flower one.  I think that is going to be way more difficult than the rainbow creations I have made.
  • I built L a fabulous train track layout the other day.  I only had two tracks left over!  I am seriously so proud of myself.  It’s taken me awhile to perfect my track building skills, but I am pretty sure I have it mastered.  In a few days, L will stage a giant crash and all the tracks will be destroyed, but it doesn’t matter. I know how great it looked.
  • B was eating a Chobani yogurt the other day and was super annoyed when there was no fruit in the bottom.  It takes B a lot to get annoyed, so when he told me he called Chobani to complain, I about fell on the floor.  He was very impressed that a real person answered the phone and promised to make it right.  And sure enough, a few days later, coupons arrived.  Go B!!
  • Amber and Gary are the couple that will be breaking up and getting back together for the rest of their lives.  I don’t think they will ever be capable of having a nice stable relationship with each other.  Or anyone else since they will be up in each others business for the rest of their lives.
  • I love this growth chart idea and think maybe I need to get started on making it. Or, I need to get someone to make this and then give it to me as a gift.  Probably not happening, but a girl can dream.  In reality, L will be 15 and I will still be working on it.
  • Buddy and Baxter are still tired from their busy weekend.  I am thinking about getting Buddy a Thundershirt.  He is just so nervous all the time.  He doesn’t have specific things that trigger his anxiety.  He’s just anxious about life.  This is a total long shot, but has anyone ever tried one of these?  Anyone??
That’s enough from me for today.  See you tomorrow!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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