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Random Ramblings

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  • I threw a load of laundry in the washing machine last night without soap.  I was in a big hurry and just tossed it all in, set the machine and walked away.  As I was putting the second load in and putting the soap on in, it dawned on me that I had never put it in the first time.  Oops.  I hope I get banned from doing laundry for life. 😉
  • George and Cindy Anthony may be the biggest idiots on the planet.  Hello, enablers anyone?  I’m pretty sure if people saw me, but not L for 31 days they’d start to get a tad suspicious.   At least someone better.  If you couldn’t hear L in the background when I am talking on the phone, that’d be pretty strange.  And I’m pretty sure that Casey does not have a brain tumor.  But I do believe she has no feelings.
  • It appears that the Slushy Magic is so in demand that there is a 4 week delay in receiving it.  Which makes me want it all the more.  Do I pull the trigger now or do I wait and ask Santa for Christmas?  Decisions, decisions.  Also, per the Slushy Magic FaceBook page, the Slushy Magic is NOT to be used with alcohol. Umm, is that a challenge??
  • I am so glad Rachel won Big Brother.  She played the game from the beginning and deserved it.  And I did not like Porsche’s outfit.  So that totally means Rachel should have won.
  • I am getting pretty annoyed with my U-verse cable and internet.  They have already come out like 5 times to fix it, which I find insane.  And now it’s getting funky again and I do not feel like rearranging my life to fit their schedule.  I want to cancel and switch to someone else, but I hate everyone else too.  Plus, it took us forever to get U-verse installed and I’d hate for that day to have been a waste!
  • L cannot decide what he wants to be for Halloween and I’m getting nervous about not being able to find him a great costume at the last minute. he asked me the other day if they give ghosts candy on Halloween. I think he’s considering being a ghost now. It changes daily.
  • The Halloween decorations are coming out this weekend! I am super excited to get them up. I bought so much stuff after Halloween at Target last year (can’t say no to that 90% off) that I’m looking forward to seeing what I actually have.
  • Couples I think won’t last include: Kim Kardashian and what’s his name. Blake and Holly. Vienna and Kasey. And so many more I can’t think of right now.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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