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So What Wednesday

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It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if..

  • B and I “lost” Buddy the other night.  We heard him barking from what sounded like the backyard and figured we had forgotten to let him back in the house.  We started the search and called and called him.  No luck.  No more barking. Nothing.  I thought for sure he chased after some random animal and was now lost in the woods or something.  B threw on shoes and a coat and started to go around the block to look for him.  Then it dawned on me to check behind all closed doors.  Sure enough, there was Buddy in the pitch black storage room in the basement.  Umm, Buddy, maybe you could bark when we call your name??
  • I said I would never do tissue paper pom-poms again and then pretty much ordered some for L’s room hours later.  I think they are going to look so good in his room too!
  • Valentine’s Day stuff went 90% off at Target yesterday and I only went to one Target and was there for like 5 minutes.  I did buy stuff though.  Just because I felt like I had too.
  • I wish I would have bought L a bunk bed (twin over full) for his room, instead of just a full sized bed.  Because they I could either do bunk beds or just one bed. Hindsight is 20-20.
  • I have a million things to ebay / craigslist, yet I haven’t gotten around to listing a single thing.  Mostly because I do not want to answer the million craigslist’s questions that always come after you post something.  I could do a separate post on all the crazy craigslist questions I have gotten over the years!
  • I answer e-mails, return phone calls, comment on blogs in my head and then realize later I never actually answered that e-mail, returned that phone call or commented on that blog.  Oops.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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