Things I’m Loving

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Room Comps: For Valentine’s Day, I decided to surprise B with a room downtown at the casino / trip to the spa. I picked a weekend night at random and then decided to call the MGM Players Club number to see if I could get a deal booking a room. I told her my players club id # and date and she surprised the heck out of me by telling me they’d be happy to comp it. Really?? I was just hoping for maybe a free upgrade. She told me it wasn’t a problem because I “do pretty well there”. Umm, not really, but I think they do well when I go there.

The Voice: I am so glad this show is back on my tv. It’s the only show that involves talent that I actually watch. I never got into American Idol, X-Factor or any of those shows. But I do love The Voice. And I love the celebs that are on there. I think Adam Levine does have moves like Jagger ;).

Williams-Sonoma Meyer Lemon Collection: Okay, so I have wanted this stuff for ages, but never bought it because of the price. I went to Target to pick up my normal caddy of dishsoap, counter spray & hand soap, but I couldn’t find it :(. I searched that store top to bottom too. Nothing. So I said screw it and ordered the WS stuff. And I LOVE it! They did, however, ship it in the biggest box ever. And, wouldn’t you know it, a few days later, I went to a different Target and they had my normal caddy of stuff! I fear now I will be spoiled by my fancy WS stuff!

Texting: Seriously, how did we communicate before texts? I know some people would rather get a phone call, but not me. I love me some texts. You just never know what will show up via text. Funny pictures, good gossip, the low down who knows??

Muffin Tin Meals:  I don’t know who the genius is that thought of these (I stole the idea from Pinterest), but I need to thank them.  L loves muffin tin meals and so do I.  I still use the mini muffin tin, but I also got a 6-cup one (full size) and that one works great too.  If you haven’t jumped on the muffin tin meal bandwagon yet, do it!  Your kids will thank you!

What have you been loving lately??


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!