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Random Ramblings

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  • B has managed to rack up another international speeding ticket.  This one was from Germany.  And unlike the Italians, they do not bother translating your ticket to let you know what you actually did.  But I was able to gather that he was going too fast and was fined 103.5 euro.  Ouch.
  • B got the new iPad when it came out, so I am now the proud owner of an iPad two (his old one).  L long ago took over my iPad and it’s so filled with games and movies and stuff that I gave up on having anything of mine on it.  So I am having a great time rediscovering how fun it is to have an iPad.  And Draw Something is way more fun when played on a big screen.  And yeah, you read that right, my 3 year old has his own iPad.  With a Marc Jacobs case.  So what???
  • Am I the only one who has never read The Hunger Games books?  Between the whole Twilight crazy and The Hunger Games, I feel like I am falling behind the times.
  • I got my button letter (from Etsy) in the mail yesterday.  I totally love it.  Way way better than I could have done myself.  The seller sews the buttons to the fabric.  Much cleaner looking than my hot glue technique.  I just need to know how she gets the buttons to fit so perfect?  I wonder how long it takes her?
  • My brother and SIL (not sure if she knows about this?) are having a garage sale this spring / summer and I am SO excited to bring some of my crap over there to sell it!   My neighborhood isn’t really good for a garage sale (it’s kinda out of the way), but his hood is PERFECT for one.  I should start going through my stuff now.
  • I need to get one of those beach tents for the new kid.  I sense we are going to be spending a lot of time outside this summer (L is SO into playing in his sandbox). Have I ever mentioned I love newborns?  They are just so sweet.  And little.  Not that I don’t love preschoolers because I do (L cracks me up on a daily basis), but if I had to pick between a room full of preschoolers I didn’t know and a room full of infants, I’d pick the infants every time!    FYI: Preschoolers ask an average of 437 questions a day.  A DAY.
  • I need (well want) to make L a behavior / reward chart.  He’s a really good kid, but I think he’d be better about doing his “chores” (i.e. feeding the dogs, letting them out of their crates etc.) if we had some sort of sticker chart to work towards getting a reward of some sort when it’s filled up.  Any ideas??

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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