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I got the curtains I ordered from Etsy for L’s room last weekend and I LOVE them. Totally worth the wait. Plus, I had forgotten, but they also came with two free throw pillowcases. Now I only need a few more things for L’s room and I am done. Not sure what things I need, but I know I need something else.
So I posted the other day on Facebook how I was sterilizing bottles in preparation for the new kid. And I mentioned that I only do it 1x. Like first use only and then I use the dishwasher. I was shocked to learn that many people sterilize (either in boiling water or using a bottle sterilizer) EVERY DAY. Such good parents they are! Tell me, do you sterilize every day? Not that I will ever end up doing it, I am just curious. The dishwasher would be sad if I did all of its work for it.
The other night B went for a run and then came home and took a bath. L was in bed and I was doing whatever in the living room. All of a sudden I realized B had been upstairs for nearly two hours. I flew up the stairs thinking B had pulled a Whitney in the bathtub (only B does NOT do coke). I flung the bathroom door open and there’s B, just chilling like Rev Run in the tub, iPhone in hand. He was cracking up when I told him why I came running in there.
L rarely gets in trouble at school, but the other day he had a note sent home with him that said he wasn’t listening to the teacher when they were outside playing. Of course we asked him about it. His response? “I couldn’t hear her. She need to speak up.”. Ahhh, of course! It wasn’t his fault at all. I should have known better. 😉
I am expecting a big mail week here. My Erin Condren planner, the new kid’s mobile (from Etsy) and the Big Bro tee / Lil Bro onesie that I ordered are all coming this week! Yeah, I know. I am WAY behind on the Erin Condren planner. I cannot wait to get my hands on it. There is nothing wrong with being over organized. Do you have an EC planner? Do you totally love it???