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Things I’m Loving!

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Draw Something (iPhone App): OMG, this is my new favorite app. For those not in the know (I only learned of this last week. I have 52 app updates on my iPhone so I am certainly not in the know about new apps.), it’s pretty much like Pictionary. Except it’s got lots of pop culture references. Like one of the drawings I was supposed to guess was “RZA”. As in RZA from Wutang. Come on, how I am supposed to guess that. I mean sure, I know Method Man, Redman, ODB, etc. But RZA? Umm, no. My husband (who drew me a fabulous picture of RZA – NOT) was shocked I didn’t know who he was. Really baby? Really? But the real fun of the game is realizing that you can’t draw and neither can the rest of America. And still loving the game.

This Crazy Weather: Okay, so it has been more than amazing weather wise here. Windows open in March in Michigan? Yep. And more than one day this month. Lots and lots of days actually. How crazy is that? It’s making everyone sick with nasty colds / coughs (maybe it’s allergies), but I suppose I prefer this to a huge snowstorm and bitter cold weather. B cut the lawn yesterday and got sun burned doing it. And L’s been playing outside like a madman. He cannot get enough. And the nice weather also makes for some exhausted dogs. And another chance to know all of our neighbors names. I’m pretty sure B and I are the worst. We know the names of all the dogs in the neighborhood, but only a few of the people. Now, it’s going to be cold again this week, but who cares? It was fun while it lasted and it’ll be back.

March Madness: Okay, so my team lost in embarrassing fashion a few nights ago, but whatever. I am still loving the games and am now seriously rooting for a Kentucky – Ohio State final game. With Kentucky winning. Why? Well, because. 😉

Target: Well, this is no secret. But I hadn’t been in a few weeks (shameful I know) and after breakfast yesterday we went there and roamed around for a bit. I scored some super cute Easter / Spring garlands and some other fun goodies. I guess I have been too busy ordering stuff for the new kid and L on Etsy that I forget to order an Easter garland. Target came though again and for only $5! I’ll take a picture of it (well, them) soon. But trust me, it’s worth a trip to Target to check them out.

Pepsi Next: We stumbled upon Pepsi Next at Target yesterday and thought we’d give it a try. Since I’ve been pregnant I’ve been drinking only regular Pepsi and I pretty much hate it. Too sugary. But every now and then I need the caffeine, so I’ll have one. I had a Pepsi Next at dinner last night and loved it!! I mean, I would rather drink Diet Pepsi, but this was way way way better than regular Pepsi.

What have you been loving lately??

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!