Dear…. Letters

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So I know that Adventures of Newlyweds has a Fridays Letters Link-Up, but I’ve got a lot going on already on Fridays, so I’m just going to do it whenever I feel like.

Dear Neighbors, yes I would love to come swimming in your pool. Oh, and yeah, I will be bringing my kids.  Dear B, the kids have been sleeping so good since you have been out of town. Should they start waking up early again when you get back, you are going to have to move out ;).  Dear guy in the parking lot who stopped to tell me I have too many keys and membership cards on my keychain and gave me a lecture on how bad it is for my engine. Umm, as if I care. If I so much about my car, would I really be driving a Ford Focus? Besides, it’s leased. Mind your own business.  Dear Lady who wondered aloud why parents dress their kids in white shirts when you were standing right next to me and saw that L had a white shirt on. You should also mind your own business. Also, have you ever heard of bleach?  Dear Photographer, please please please post W’s newborn pictures. I’m am sure you are busy and all. But I don’t care. Don’t you know it’s all about me? Dear Buddy, stop barking. Just stop.  Dear L, please don’t ever learn the correct words to the Spiderman song. Its way funnier when you sing “catches sleeves just like flies” instead of “catches thieves just like flies”. Dear W, I love your baby mullet. And finally, Dear Kid who scribbled in pencil all over L’s playset, if I find you, watch out. Actually, your parents better watch out. Watch out. And no, it wasn’t L because 1) he would have tripped and poked his eye out running to his playset with a pencil in hand and 2) he would have used a Sharpie, not just a plain old pencil.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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