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I’ve been tagged! 25 things you don’t know about me!

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I’ve been tagged by Erynn over at two journeys: one life. I “met” Erynn years and years ago on a fashion forum (we’ll just leave it at that). I’ve known her longer than I have known my husband and although we’ve never really met, I am lucky to call her my friend. If you don’t know her story, make sure to check out her blog!

So Here are 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me…….

1. I cannot snap my fingers. Or whistle. Many people have tried to show me. I just don’t get it.

2. I had to go to the dentist yesterday. I cannot stand the dentist’s office. Although my dentist is young and HOT, so that makes it a tad better.  He did gave me vicodin though. Now he’s even hotter.

3. I hate gum.  Hate it.

4. I have one brother, five brothers-in-law, and five sisters-in-law (one isn’t official yet, but close enough).  Ladies that means only one brother-in-law is still single……..

5.  I do not like “smart people” movies.  Sure I have a college degree.  Two of them actually.  But I don’t want to watch a movie and end up confused at the end.

6.  I don’t drink coffee.

7.  I wish I knew how to sew.

8.  My next door neighbor looks like Paula Dean.  Like they could be twins.  I know it’s not her though since Paula Dean would never live this far north!

9.  It can be a million degrees out, yet I need to sleep snuggled up under a ton of covers. Then I complain in the morning about how hot I was the night before.

10.  I do not sleep with a top sheet.  That thing just gets tangled all over the place.  This means that B doesn’t either.

11.  I make make our bed (and L’s) everyday.  I cannot stand an unmade bed.

12. Inspirational quotes on Facebook drive me nuts.  I mean one here and there is okay I guess.  But a million times a day?  Make it stop.

13.  Las Vegas might just be my favorite place on earth.

14.  I like to play with tape.  It makes me less stressed.

15.   I ask B the dumbest questions.  I think he’s amazed I graduated from kindergarden, much less college.  Yesterday I asked him if eggs got bigger after bird laid them.  That would be no.

16. It has taken me like two days to get this far in this post because I just cannot think of random things about me.

17.  I was hospitalized when I was five for the same illness that L had back in February. Thank goodness L didn’t have to be hospitalized.

18.  I’d like to run a marathon one day.  A sub-4 marathon.  Just one marathon.  One time.  If Oprah can do it….

19.  I am horrible at responding to e-mails / voice-mails.  I answer them in my head and just move on.  This also goes for commenting on blogs.

20.  I haven’t had a drink since last summer.  I predict a fall from the wagon soon ;).

21.  Someone googled “tide pods feel like boob” and ended up on my blog.  LMFAO.

22.  I had lasik eye surgery about 9 years ago.  Best thing ever.

23.  My husband is six years younger than me.  Which is good because it makes people think I am younger.

24.  I love sunglasses and have about a million pairs.

25.  And finally, I am allergic to cats.  They are cute.  From a distance.

For those of you I am tagging here are the Rules: Once tagged, write 25 random things about yourself. Tag the person who tagged you and 5 new people (let them know you!) Then post.
Tag, you’re it!
Cindy @ Living…Laughing…Loving
Dani @ Riddle Me This
Stacey @ The Pawlak Family
Melanee @ The Warren Wire (where have you been??  I miss your blog!)
Lisa @ Yuppie Traveler

I cannot wait to hear what you ladies decide to share!!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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