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Weekend Ramblings

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So I was trying to figure out what exactly we did this weekend and couldn’t come up with much? But then again, we got so much got done…..

  • L went to Greenfield Village with his Nana and Papa on Friday and had a BLAST.  Of course, his favorite part is the train.  Duh.  I always thought Greenfield Village was boring as a kid?  Not L!!!  Oh, and what do you think about his new conductor hat?  Pretty cool huh ;).
  • Yesterday may just have been the best day of W’s life.  Why you ask?  Because he got a ceiling fan.  In his room.  Yep, his own fan.  He will probably never sleep again.  He will be smiling and talking to that fan all.night.long.
  • L got a ceiling fan as well and was thrilled.  His room is SO HOT.  He never complains,  but I am glad it’s not my room.
  • We also got blackout shades in our bedroom and in the living room.  This is perfect because the sun is so bright in our room in the morning.  It’s blinding.  Same with the living room.  There is such a glare I can hardly see Live with Kelly in the mornings.  #firstworldproblems.
  • As if B wasn’t busy enough installing shades and ceiling fans, he also power washed L’s swingset so that he can stain it next weekend maybe.
  • I decided on Saturday that we were going on a walk to the playground so that L could, well, play.  We took his wagon because it’s a 15 minute walk and I didn’t want to hear him complaining the entire time.  And I didn’t want it to take forever.  After we were done playing, B announced we were walking to the store to get ice-cream.  Pretty much our quick walk ended up being like 5 miles and 1.5 hours plus play time.  I am SO glad we brought the wagon or I would have had to figure out how to put L and W in the stroller together.
  • My mom asked me if I wanted to go to an estate sale with her on Saturday.  I thought about it and then it dawned on me.  If I am leaving the house without the kids to go out with my mom, let’s go to the casino!!  And I won.  I don’t just mean that I left the casino with money (I consider that winning).  I left with more than I came with.  Amazing.  It was the shoe game on the Sex in the City slots that helped saved me.    Wins for me every time.  My mom made me go home after I won though ;(.  But I am sure I could have won more had she just let me stay ;).
  • L and I made Shake-N-Pourbrownies yesterday.  It was not as fun as making regular brownies.  First of all, it’s hard to shake the batter.  At least we thought it was.  And it’s not like you can clean out the bowl.  Hello, that’s the best part!  And the brownies looked funky.  Very thin.  We didn’t try them, so I can’t give a thought on taste, but I doubt we’ll buy these again!So how was your weekend?  What did you do?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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