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Do you have a hobby?

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So in talking to various friends of mine (in real life and online), I have realized that not everyone has hobbies. Crazy right?? So I’m curious, do you all have hobbies? I mean real actual hobbies. I don’t consider watching reality shows or drinking wine or shopping as hobbies. Those are super fun things, but I don’t think they are hobbies. More like sanity savers? I mean hobbies like sewing (aka my dream hobby), running, reading, etc.

I know I have covered all my hobbies on here in one way or another, but since this is my blog and I can do whatever I want, I’ll just share them again.

~Entering contests: I haven’t been entering as much as usual, but trust me, I am still entering and with the colder weather coming, I know I will start entering more. I shared my contest “secrets” here and still do all of the same things I posted about back then. Entering contests is a no skill hobby. All you need is a computer and the internet. I still hear “oh, that’s just a scam” all the time. If you entered a contest and they e-mail you letting you know you won, well you won. And if you still can’t figure out if it’s real or not, forward it to me and I will tell you! You’ll never win if you don’t enter, so if you get some e-mail saying you won something you never entered for you didn’t win.

~Blogging: I totally consider blogging a hobby. Totally. It’s not even that expensive of a hobby either. At least it doesn’t have to be. Anyone can start a blog. For free. Most people start off on and go from there. I know lots of people say they’d have nothing to blog about, blah, blah, blah. Please, everyone has got something to say. Who knows. You could be the next Pioneer Woman. There are a few ladies out there, one of whom I know reads here, that I want to start blogging. You know who you are. It’d be a good read!

~Couponing: Is that even a word? Spell check says no. Screw them. I’m not talking about Extreme Couponing here. I’m just talking about saving your family some money. If you put a little effort into it, you’ll be amazed at how much you can save. If you think clipping coupons and searching for deals sucks, but do it anyways because you want to save cash, that’s not a hobby. Hobbies have to be fun. I totally love to save money, find deals, scour the clearance section, etc. So for me, it’s a hobby.

So that’s it, those are my three hobbies.  I’d say crafting is also a hobby, but I don’t have a specific craft that I always like to do (jewelry making, wreaths, etc.).  If doing crafts you’ve found on Pinterest is a hobby, then add it to my list!  I blog and enter contests basically on a daily basis.   Usually after the kids go to bed.  I’ve been putting WB to bed around the same time L goes to bed, so that gives me some me time each night.  I probably “coupon”/ deal shop on a weekly basis.  At least. If it’s 90% off clearance time at Target, all bets are off!

Now it’s your turn.  What are your hobbies?  How often do you get to do them?  Do you find it hard to fit them in?  And are your hobbies expensive?  How do you work that into your budget?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!