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First Day of School!

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If you follow me on Instagram you know that today was L’s first dat of preschool. Now, he only goes for 2.5 hours 3 days a week, so it’s nothing compared to when he went to “school” before I retired. I mean, when he was a baby, he went 5 days a week. All day. And then when my mom retired, he went 3 days a week. All day. So he’s used to being in a classroom. Listening to teachers, etc.

He wasn’t overly excited about it after his orientation last week and suggested that instead of school he continue to be on “summer vacation” and just hang out with his nana more. LOL.  But we’ve been talking about it and he woke up today SO excited.  He happily cooperated for all my pictures (we’ve also been talking about how preschool involves tons of pictures on the first day) and did amazing.  No tears or even a bit of hesitation when he went into his classroom.  I was so proud!  And he did awesome there.  He even invited his teacher over for “chips and guacamole”.  I was cracking up!  He had a great time and can’t wait to go back.  Probably because they got to play outside.  Ohhh and one of his friends (a super cute little girl) from his old school is in his class.  An instant buddy.  I think they were happy to see each other after all those months apart (at one time he said he was going to marry her).

As for me, I didn’t realize how much paperwork was involved in going to preschool.  Oh my.  In addition to shot records and emergency contact card, I had to fill out various questionnaires, submit information about myself for a background check if I want to volunteer in his classroom, a collage with his favorite things, etc.  I spent all morning working on it.  Oh, that and finding a free first day of school printable.  I think it’s more work for me than it is for him.

And after school, L helped himself to a yummy snack while I drilled him about his day.  Oh and he got to open his “back to school” present.  Doesn’t everyone get back to school presents??  L got a few new trains, a train book and an ABC train floor puzzle.  Are you sensing a theme here?

Did your kid(s) start school this week?  How’d it go?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!