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Random Ramblings

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~B and I are totally into that new show, Revolution, on NBC. It’s not something I’d normally even think about watching, but I am just sucked right in. It’s so unbeliveable that I can’t help myself. What happened? Why can no one fix this?? I need to know.

~A friend of mine (who lives out of state) posted a painting on FB she did of her dog at Painting with a Twist. I just always assumed that we didn’t have anything like that around here. Wrong!  I should have GTS long ago.  Now I am trying to decide if just B and I should go on a date night, or if we should wait till L’s a little older so we can all go to a family one. I am guessing the family one is the way to go. L would love it and if L loves something, I love it even more.  Have you ever been?  What did you paint?

~Speaking of L, he is loving preschool.  He loves his teachers, his friends, everything.  He even likes doing his “homework”.  They have a field trip coming up which I know he’s going to love.  Also, I love hearing all about his day.  He’s good at providing lots of details on what went down during the day, who he played with, what books they read, etc.  He totally has the social aspect of school down.  He can’t color in the lines to save his life though ;).

~In addition to learning to sew with a sewing machine, I may also want to learn to knit.  Is this hard?  Amanda are you reading this?  You know how to knit right?  What’s easier, knitting or sewing??

~My Keurig Vue House Party was Saturday and we had a blast.  And to those of you who wanted codes (*), I hope you enjoy your new Vue!!  We love ours and can’t stop making stuff with it.  We went to Bed, Bath & Beyond (armed with a million coupons of course) before the party and stocked up on some flavors that weren’t included in the party pack.  Other than, I think BB&B has the best selection.  We are totally hoping that Keurig comes out with a “My Vue Cup” kinda of thing so we can have an even bigger selection.

~While WB still isn’t overly excited with his bottle, but he’s been loving exploring foods.  So far peas and applesauce are big winners.  I have secured some ice cube trays (umm, this was a project in itself) and will attempt to make my own baby food soon.  I am pretty good at using the food processor (assembly of it is another issue) and really good at putting things in the freezer, so this should be a piece of cake.

~Oh, and WB is getting closer and closer to crawling every day.  I do not like this because I want him to stay my baby. I mean, he could be my last baby, so he can just slow it right down and let me enjoy him being a baby.  With L I knew (well assumed – which is totally stupid) that I would have another, so I was always excited when he did a new “trick”.  But there is no holding the WB back and I will admit that I tried to get L to teach him to crawl.  I thought maybe if he saw someone else doing it……

~Did you know that Groupons never expire?  I mean the coupon part does, but the value you paid never expires.  Where have I been exactly that I just learned this a few weeks ago?  I am assuming everyone else knew this?

~When I was younger, I suggested that whoever won the election would be President and the loser would be Vice-President.  Could you flippin imagine?

(*) I saw on the House Party page that people are selling their codes on eBay. So wrong. I hate seeing things like this because it makes companies not want to participate in events like this ;(.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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