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Weekend Recap

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Another weekend has come and gone. And this weekend we were BUSY! Not busy running all over town doing stuff. Nope, we were busy at home.

Clearly it just needed me to hook it up.

After I wrote / published my Fridays Letter’s, I tried to give the tv one more try. After two seconds of following the directions, it worked. When B came home from school Friday night he rushed right to the thinking room (aka the office) and demanded to know what I did to it. Umm, I just followed the directions??

It’s here!

Right before it was time for L to go to school, my Keurig Vue arrived! I am so excited for this House Party. By far it’s the best one I have been able to host. Well, the best one for me anyways since I get a new Vue! L was even super excited about it and declared that he LOVES coffee. Which is not true since he has tried it a few times. Then he said he likes it with marshmallows. Umm, that’s called Hot Cocoa!

Sometimes I am amazed at the level of cooperation I get from him.

I cannot offer any explanation of what WB and I did while L was at school. I do know that he didn’t scream the entire time L was gone though which I was super pleased about! After we picked L up from school we ran to Target and I checked out the Halloween section. You know, I gotta scout for my 90% off missions.  The dollar spot was 70% off so we checked that out and I let L picked some assorted crap goodies.  Another mom was there buying tons of cute little pink piggy banks.   I am guessing favors for a super cute pink little girl party??

Watching a little after school tv with his brother.

After Target, we came home and relaxed (i.e. watched tv) and then had dinner. We played outside before bedtime and before I knew it, the day was over.

We got up on Saturday planning to go somewhere fun, but in the end we just decided to stay home and get things done. The main event was the cleaning of the oven. We have never self-cleaned our oven and it so needed it. I think if that was the only thing that we had gotten done this weekend I would have been thrilled. Other organizing was done (more on that later) and B cut the grass (in record time I might add).

Here mama, dese are for you.

B decided he needed to go workout (he signed up for GymPact) and doesn’t want to end up paying. The little boys and I went on a walk and L picked me every pretty flower he could find. Ugh, is he the sweetest kid ever or what?

If the WB is happy, everyone is happy.

WB was content on the walk and I kind of think he enjoyed the cool air. Maybe. I know I liked it. And he looked super cute!

It was a little chilly for swimming.
But these two didn’t care.

At L’s request, we crashed the neighbors pool for what is sure to be one of the last swimming events of the summer. L was shivering every time he got out of the pool, but like all kids, he insisted that he wasn’t cold. Candyballs and underwater flips were done. I need to get him back into swimming class ASAP.

I should have worn a hoodie like WB.

WB didn’t go in the pool this time which I know he was pleased about. Although, the water temperature was likely higher than the air temperature. After swimming we all ran to the grocery store for taco fixings and had a very nice dinner. B decided to go out Saturday night and in true B fashion stayed out way too late and paid for it the next morning. Oh well, not my problem.

Wait, maybe it was my problem. I declared I was “sleeping in” on Sunday, so B was in charge. You don’t get rewarded for staying out too late with your friends here. When I woke up (maybe an hour or so after they got up), I realized that a tornado had hit the living room, WB had not eaten (*), the laundry had not been touched, etc. Guess I showed him. HAHAHA.

Dis is not blood.
He needed the glasses. And the helmet. To play golf.

B went to the Lions game with my brother so the kids and I headed outside. I was getting WB’s Jumperoo to bring outside so I was in and out of the house with WB and didn’t really pay much attention to what L was playing with. And then I looked at him. Covered in orange bubbles. Also covered the garage floor and driveway. And before I could even say a word, he informed me that I should not worry that dis was not blood, just bubbles. I was cracking up. So we played bubbles and drew with chalk. And jumped on the trampoline. And just enjoyed the nice day.  In crazy outfits.

All summer he gets SpongeBob. And then all of a sudden he goes for Spiderman. I was shocked.

And when we heard the ice cream man, we bolted in the house to get money. Some may think the ice-cream man is kind of creepy, but we have learned that ours is a veteran (Vietman I believe) so we really like him!

Sunday night B made banana bread. And used my $0.99 pans that he said we didn’t need. HA.

The weekend ended with B making banana bread. Yummy! We had to use that clean oven right? It was such a perfect night. B making bread. The kids sleeping. Me doing nothing. Perfection 😉

What’d you do this weekend? Is the weather by you getting chilly yet??

(*) He didn’t want to eat according to B. Umm, guess what, he never does.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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