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Weekend Recap

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It was another busy weekend over here, so let’s recap:

~Friday after B got home from school we started on Season 2 of Breaking Bad. Just turning that show on makes my blood pressure skyrocket. I get so nervous. So I decided to see just what my blood pressure was while watching it only to realize that my new iPhone doesn’t work with the monitor. Womp Womp. I eventually used B’s phone, but I will admit to trying to connect my phone multiple times.

~Saturday morning / afternoon, we went to Crossroads Village for a Halloween Event. We go every year and this was basically the only day we could do. If you live in the area and have never been, I totally recommend it. Not too crowded, inexpensive and you get to ride a TRAIN. Oh, and you also get candy.

The boys

~One Sunday, we got up at the CRACK of dawn for the Detroit Marathon 5K.  My cousins came down to run it and B was tasked with running with my cousin, G, who is 10.  My other cousins (and their friend) are old enough to manage on their own, but not G.  I had us all out the door by 5:15am because I wasn’t sure how traffic would be downtown and did not want to end up running through the streets of Detroit (with two kids in tow) to figure out where to go.  Luckily, we made it in plenty of time.

The runners. B is not that short. My cousins are very tall people.

~And as if there wasn’t already speculation that B is some sort of secret agent, his 5K results have been removed from the internet.  Gone.  Scrubbed clean.  They were there at first, now nothing.  Hmm, suspicious.  And last year when my brother, also a “B”, took B’s place, there were no pictures of him.  Just like an arm or a foot.  In fact, there are never good pictures of him from his races.  It’s very odd.  Very odd.

~The rest of the weekend was spent getting this done.  B did some handwork around the house including hanging my orange chevron curtains in the office (wow, that’s A LOT of chevron) and fixing my nightstand drawers, which were driving me insane.  I did laundry.  And more laundry.  And L and I went to the grocery store to get supplies to make caramel apples this week.  That should be a mess.

~And this was not part of my weekend, but I just read that Giuliana Rancic is working hard to maintain her “hot mom” status.  She doesn’t want to “let herself go” and wear flip-flops and eat chips and wear a pony tail and wants to stay sexy for her husband.  Umm, okay.  I get that, I do.  But you didn’t have the baby so you have no baby weight to lose.  Meaning it’s easier to be “hot” when your clothes still fit!  Second of all, you have a nanny so if you are tired and need some sleep, you can take a nap.  Lots of us don’t have that.  And third of all, I’d never actually say you were “hot” before.  So maybe just STFU so I can watch your show and like you again okay?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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