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Sunday Social

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I decided to link-up with Neely over at A Complete Waste of Makeup for this week’s Sunday Social. Sometimes I link-up. Sometimes I don’t. This week I did.

1. Name 4 jobs you’ve had in your life.
~Dairy Queen – aka the best job on earth.  Free ice-cream and I got to work with all of my besties every single day.  Seriously can I go back to high-school again and get this job again?
~Marianne: This was a (now defunct) mall clothing store.  Again, another high-school job.  And a pretty fun one at that.  Lots of my friends worked at the mall and since no one really shopped there (this explains why it is now closed) there was plenty of time for socializing.
~County Club Waitress: I’m not going to say the same of the country club I waitressed at because I am pretty sure I signed some sort of agreement not to discuss the happenings of  “the club” and don’t want to get sued.  Nothing shady went down or anything.  Just lots of rich people drinking their faces off.
~My Big Girl Job: Did I ever mention what I actually did when I worked?  Well I audited companies.  Not in a bad way.  So sometimes I was in my own office and sometimes I was at a client’s office.  And sometimes I spent A LOT of time commuting.

2. Name 4 movies you would watch over and over.
~Crazy, Stupid, Love.  I picked this movie up for $5 this week at Target and I cannot wait to watch it.  Again.  And again.  And again.  Okay, fine, there is just one part I really like.  And so what if it’s when Ryan Gosling isn’t wearing a shirt?  Judge me all you want.
~Willy Wonka (Both versions): I don’t know if it’s the songs or what, but if this movie is on tv, I MUST watch.  And like Veruca Salt, I want it NOW!
~Clueless: What can I say, it’s a total classic.  Before Alicia Silverstone was all feeding her kid like he’s a baby bird, she was clueless Cher.
~The Shawshank Redemption: If you haven’t realized it by now, my tastes are all over the place.  This is pretty much my favorite movie ever.  I’m not all into quotes or anything, but Andy Dufresne said it best, ““Get busy living, or get busy dying”.
~Top Gun: I could probably watch this movie with my eyes shut and still be able to “see” everything that was going on.  And yes, this movie also features someone who has turned a little crazy.  I like to pretend Top Gun Tom Cruise and Scientology Tom Cruise are totally different people.

3. Name 4 places you have lived.
~My Parents House: Because duh, where else do you live when you are a kid?
~East Lansing (College): In my dorm room and then various apartments around twon.  This was also the first time I lived on my own.  Well, on my own in that I didn’t live with my parents.  Not on my own in the sense I was like actually paying my own bills.
~My Condo: Soon after I started my big girl job I bought I cute little condo.  And lived there until L was about 7’ish months old.
~My House: Where I live now.  With my little family.

4. Name 4 of your favorite foods.
~Froyo: I just had some last night.  They now have Peppermint.  Tis the season for froyo!
~Avocados: Why didn’t anyone tell me sooner how delicious these were?
~Pasta: I could eat pasta every single day of my life and be fine with it.  It’s gotta be a red sauce though.
~Turkey Pitas from The Pita Pit: Again, I could eat these every single day.  B’s like really, you want that again?  When it’s good it’s good.

5. Name 4 things you always carry with you.
~Kiehls Lip Balm #1: If you run into my on the street and I do not have this in my bag or somewhere on my person (or on B), I’ve been kidnapped and you should call the police.
~My iPhone: What did we do before cell phones anyways?
~Wipes: Since 99.9% of the time I have my kids with me, I have wipes.  Even if you don’t have kids, you need wipes.  They are the most amazing thing.
~Snacks: Again this is a kid thing.  If you leave the house with kids for more than 10 minutes you need to have snacks with you.  Just in case.  Kids (and babies) are hungry.  All the time.  Even WB loves him a good snack.

6. Name 4 places you have been on vacation.
~Disney World: I have been to Disney more times than I can count. And hopefully I will be able to take my kids there more times than they can count.
~Las Vegas: Do I even need to explain my love for Las Vegas?
~St. Lucia: B, L and I went there when L was about a year old. And it was amazing. Go there. And stay here. (*)
~Cabo: B and I got married here.  And just love the place.  Although we haven’t been there in like 5 years so I can only imagine how much more built up it is now ;(.  Back when we went in 2006, we felt like we had the beaches to ourselves.  It was unbelievably beautiful there.

(*) I won this trip and won’t be able to return unless we win another one ;).

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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