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Thoughts on “Retirement” – 6 Months In….

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So I haven’t “worked” for 6 whole months now. How crazy is that? These past six (well almost seven) months with my boys have flown by. So, I thought it was about time thatI gave you an update on how things are going here.

Let’s see, where to start.  I’ve sorta mentioned it in passing on here, but in addition to working full-time, B is also going to school full-time.  Crazy right?  But let me tell you, it’s not as crazy as the few semesters he did this when we were both working full-time.  That was a little nuts.  And if he wasn’t in school, he be traveling all over the place, so he wouldn’t be home much anyways.  I’m not going to go all OMGWOEISME on you about this or anything because it’s nothing new to us.  B’s been traveling since I met him.  I knew the score. L’s used to it.  I’m used to it.  WB doesn’t know the difference.  Weeks on end in Afghanistan or a few nights a week at school?  I know what I’d pick.

But yeah, I am home with the kids all the time.  Three days a week B doesn’t get home until after the kids go to bed, so it’s all me, all day.  Luckily L is great company and loves to talk (sometimes too much), so we never get bored.  If it was just WB and I, we’d be beyond bored.  I really don’t think I’m enough fun for WB (*), so when L is at school full time next year, I gotta get us in a playgroup or something.  But L is a crafty one and always has something up his sleeve.  And he’s always willing to include WB in the action.  Last night, for example, after B left for school, we played school (L’s idea).  L was the teacher and WB was the student (WB actually sat and watched for a bit too).  School was my all time favorite game when I was a kid.  I could play school for hours and hours and I hope this is L’s new favorite thing.  So yeah, we are usually well entertained during the day at home.  And now that WB is a better eater and I am not worried about him not eating and losing weight, we can actually go places for extended periods of time, which is awesome!  And if we get bored at home and have no other options, there’s always Target.

I know a lot of people think staying home with kids is their job and their kids are their bosses.  Umm, no.  Sure if you have a newborn baby, yeah that baby is the boss of you.  You do what it wants, when it wants, where it wants.  But your 2 or 3 or 4 year-old isn’t the boss.  L (usually) knows I am the boss and is cool with that.  And WB is may not realize since it’s a slow progression, but I’m becoming his boss too since he’s not a newborn anymore ;).

So anyways, do I feel like spending my days with a 4-year old and a six month-old is harder than working full-time?  Nope, I still don’t.  I mean, I’m not saying that staying home with kids is easy, because it’s not.  Sure I have my days and umm, bedtime is earlier than it used to be when I worked ;).  L doesn’t nap and Mama needs her “me” time you know?  But I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s way calmer now.  No more long commutes.  No getting home late.  No run worrying about who is going to take the day off to stay home and take a sick kid to the doctor.  No only seeing L for an hour or two before bed.  Nope, I get to hang out with the kids all day and I have time to handle doctors appointments, B’s schedule, running errands, etc.  And while I have the patience of a child, I somehow find spending the days answering the same crazy question 100 times less stressful than working.

Will I go back to work one day?  Yeah, unless we win the lottery or my blog becomes the next Dooce(**), I sure will.  But hopefully it’s not until at least WB starts school full time.  Because we are having way too much fun for me to go back anytime soon.

If you stay home, what’s your favorite part?  What do you dislike the most?  And if you work full-time and love it, how do you balance it all?

(*) I really think kids need to play with other kids on a regular basis, even babies.
(**) Let’s try and make that happen okay?

Disclosure: I wrote this post during Teen Mom 2 last night, so if it doesn’t make sense, sorry.  I was super distracted and couldn’t keep my eyes off that train wreck of a tv show.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!