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Gift Bags ~ Christmas Preschool Party

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Preschool Party Gift Bags

Yesterday I put together gift bags for L’s friends at school.  They are having their holiday party this week and I didn’t want to stay up till like 3am like I did for Halloween.  And unlike with the Halloween Treat Buckets I made for L’s friends at school, I took the easy way out for Christmas and did not “make” anything (i.e. crayons).  And I didn’t have to worry about packaging everything up in a cute little bag and then making sure it fit in the bucket, which took a long time too.  And I didn’t have to run out and buy anything at the last minute either, which I was super pleased about.  Nope, this year’s bags were easy and painless to do.

The Bags

I picked up these cute bags (at Target) last week for $0.50/each. I knew I had some bigger things to put in the bags, so I had to get a larger bag. I swear this year I am going to get bags when they are on clearance. Somehow I always forget to grab them!

Since it is VERY hard to find like 20 of the same item at 90% (or even 70%) off, I usually do different gift bags for boys and girls.

The Boy Bag:

Boy Gift Bags

This year the Boy Gift Bags included:
~Monster Trucks ($1.19)
~Cars Coloring Books ($0.39)
~Hot Wheels Puzzle Erasers ($0.39)
~Crayola Mini Twistables ($0.49)
~Gift Bags ($0.50)
Total Cost: $2.96

The Girl Bag:

Girls Gift Bags

And the Girl Gift Bags included:
~Disney Princess Ball ($0.39)
~Cars Coloring Books ($0.39)
~Disney Princesses ($1.49)
~Crayola Mini Twistables ($0.49)
~Gift Bags ($0.50)
Total Cost: $3.26

My Helper

And I don’t know what got into B, but he was all about helping.  He dug around the basement with me to find the presents, stuffed the bags and was just all about helping.  I loved it.  And L is all about giving presents, which I also love.  I asked if he thought we should include the Crayola Twistables too and he was like, umm, of course mama!

All ready to go!

I put silver tags on the boy gifts and red tags on the girl ones so they will be super easy to put in the kids “lockers” during the party!  I think I did fairly well this year with the bags and I cleared out a lot of space for all the loot I am sure to gather during this year’s Target clearance!  I am certain the other moms think I am nuts and give crazy gifts, but I’m not sure if it’d be any better if I told them I stalked the Target clearance section for amazing deals?

Did you do gift bags for your kids school parties?  What’d you put in them this year?  Here’s what I did last year.  And next year will all depend on what I can find on clearance. Plus, I always always always have Hot Wheels and Legos on hand ;).

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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