Yeah, I’d pin that…

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Get your mind out of the gutter people. I am talking about Pinterest. Not the Ryan’s (Gosling and Reynolds) or Channing Tatum (only in Magic Mike of course) or anything like that. Here are some of my the best holiday things I have pinned lately.

~Free Christmas Printables: I love printables and I love FREE, so this is amazing. It’s a collection of Christmas printables from all over the web. This might just be my favorite holiday pin!

imade credit: Pampers, Playdates & Parties

~Candy Cane Clouds: This looks fun and messy and right up our alley. I know L will be super into this and am excited to make it. I am getting the supplies for this project this week!

image credit: Growing a Jeweled Rose

~Grinch Punch: This is the cutest idea ever. I want it to put in Grinch Grinch NOW so we can make some of this punch. I know L will go crazy for it and why shouldn’t he? Love this!

image credit: babble


~Christmas Tree Strawberry Brownies: Now if I made these, it would be a huge Pinterest fail.  But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to make them and invite me over to eat them with you!  They are so cute and would for sure be the talk of any event you brought them to.

image credit: The Fab Web


~Anthropologie Inspired Snow Globes: Not only are these gorgeous, they look super easy (famous last words) and super fun to make.  This is something that L would love to love to do and would be something we could display every year and remember making it!

image credit:

~Salt Dough Thumbprint Christmas Tree Ornament: This is going on our tree this year.  No question.  The link doesn’t explain how to make it but I know how to make salt dough (1/2 cup salt, 1/2 cup water and 1 cup flour) and I have a cookie cutter, so I am totally attempting them.  They are too cute not to!

image credit: Cutie Pie Keepsakes

Have you seen anything amazing on Pinterest lately?  Tell us everything!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!