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2013 Bucket List

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First of all Happy New Year! If you went out last night, I am hoping that you are feeling okay this morning if you know what I mean. Better yet, I hope you are still in bed sleeping it off ;).

I was thinking about writing some sort of resolutions post or something for 2013 and was talking to my SIL (who needs to blog more) and she suggested a 2013 Bucket List. Perfect idea! Here goes:

1) Learn to sew. I have the sewing machine now, so there is no excuse for me not to make this happen.

2) Clean house. Not like scrub the house spotless or anything crazy, but I need to get rid of clutter. Decorative items I no longer use? Old toys? Baby clothes? Craigslist is going to be my new BFF.

3) Use the treadmill / go to the gym more. Shockingly, I have access to an amazing gym (our local rec. center), but it just never worked out (ha,ha) that I could go these last few months. But, I am going to make it a point to go more this year! Not in January of course, because there is nothing I hate more than a crowded gym! I’ll just use the treadmill in the basement!

4) “Frame” my bathroom mirror. This has been on my “To-Do” list for months and months. Like this. Since B is busy guy, I think I am going to enlist my brother’s help for this. He is also a “B” and has NO idea about this little project.

5) Decide if we are having more kids! I’m totally on the fence on this one, so I am giving myself a year to decide ;). I’m not ready to say “no way” or “yes, of course” just yet. But let’s be honest, I’m not getting any younger over here!

6) Find WB a playgroup. Once L starts school full-time in the fall, WB is going to be BORED. He needs friends to play with and I plan to find him some!

7) Unplug More.  This is going to be the hardest Bucket List item.  It’s probably not healthy that I get nervous when my iPhone doesn’t get a signal.  I don’t think any further explanation is really needed.

8) Eat In More.  After I retired, I was awesome about cooking dinner.  And then somewhere, it all went to sh*t.  But this year it will get better!

9) Get Couponing!  I was never an extreme couponer by any means, but I did do a good job of saving a few bucks here and there.  But I’ve been slacking.  It’s on starting now!

10) Grow the Blog.  I want get a blog makeover and continue to grow my blog and have fun with it!

What’s on your 2013 Bucket List?  And if you went out last night, how are you feeling today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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