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iPad vs. LeapPad

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I know a lot of moms have trouble deciding between the LeapPad and the iPad. L has (and uses) both, so I thought I would do a little comparison.

~Tons of free / inexpensive apps. Most of L’s apps are free. I think the most we have ever paid for an app for him is like $4.99.
~Can easily download songs, movies and tv shows. So many movies now come with codes for iTunes downloads with the purchase of the DVD, so it’s super super to load them.
~Eliminates the need for an in-car dvd player or portable dvd player. If you can watch movies on your iPad, why do you need anything else?
~Has a ton of memory. Smallest iPad has 16GB. The LeapPad2 has 4GB.
~It grows with them. You won’t outgrow your iPad!

~It’s expensive. Even the mini is what, $329? The smallest iPad2 is $399 and the newest iPad will set you back $499.
~It’s easily breakable. Although, I gotta say, L has had his (my old one – it’s the original iPad) for 2+ years and hasn’t broken it yet (knock on wood).
~If you get your kid an iPad now, what are you going to do when they get older?

~The initial cost is much more reasonable.  I mean $99 compared to $329?
~It’s sturdier.  L has dropped his LeapPad numerous times (without a case on it) and it doesn’t have a scratch on it.
~You are in control.  Since you can’t get on the internet, you don’t have to worry about your kid ending up on some crazy site or downloading things you don’t know about!
~The games are expensive.  OMG, L wanted some new games a few weeks ago and since he hadn’t gotten any in a while, I agreed.  4 games set me back $35 (it was buy 3 get 1 free) and I made him pick the cheap ones!
~It takes batteries.  I *think* the LeapPad2 comes with a charger, but I find that we change the batteries fairly often in ours.
~No movies.  If you want to watch something in the car or on an airplane, you’ll need a separate device.

So which ones is better?  Who knows?  L likes both of his, but for sure uses the iPad more.  For sure.  It’s a life saver on long car rides up-north.  Do your kids have either?  Both?  What do you think?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!