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Sunday Social

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I decided to link-up with Neely over at A Complete Waste of Makeup for this week’s Sunday Social.

1. Do you plan to change any of your eating habits in the new year?
Yes, I do intend to eat in more, which by default means I will eat healthier. B will be at school most nights a week, so I need to motivate myself to actually cook for L and I instead of just throwing something together at the last minute. Although, I gotta say, muffin tin meals are L’s favorite ;).

2. Any workout tips to get us back in shape after the Holidays?
Oh as if you want any workout tips from me. I will say that you have to do some sort of workout that you love or you’ll never stick with it. Of, if you hate them all, mix it up a little and do lots of different stuff. Although I *think* I like running, when I actually do it, I hate it. I am more a fan of yoga and boot camp type workouts. Wait, I’m really more of a fan of a naturally high metabolism, sadly I do not have one.

3. Favorite thing you did over the Holidays?
Gosh, we did so much fun stuff! I really liked our trips to Holiday Nights at Greenfield Village and our train ride at Crossroads Village. But I think I really liked it most that B was home a lot! He had a very busy semester and wasn’t home a ton, so it was just nice to spend time with him and the boys together!

4. What is something you hope that you accomplish in 2013 that you did not in 2012?
For sure learn to sew.  I said it like a million times in 2012 that I was going to learn and never did.  2013 is when it’s happening for sure.  I don’t know what I am waiting for, I just need to do it! 

5. Name 3 things happening this year you are excited about and why?
1 – Our Disney cruise!  We went on a 3-night Disney cruise for L’s 3rd birthday and loved it so much we wanted to do it again!  This time we booked a 7-night cruise and we are all so excited.
2. L starting kindergarten.  I am not excited to that I won’t get to hang out with L all day anymore (I’ll miss him), but starting school is a such HUGE event that I cannot help but be excited for him.
3. WB turning 1 / B turning 30.  Their birthdays are a day apart so hopefully they will let me get away with only one celebration.  These are both huge birthdays, but I gotta say, I am super excited about B turning 30!  Maybe we’ll get to check the same age group box again?  A girl can dream.  And my WB turning 1?  I can’t even go there.  He’ll always be my baby!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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