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Sunday Social

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I’m linking up today with A Complete Waste of Makeup for this week’s Sunday Social.

Unlike last week though, I am not going to try and comment on everyone’s blog who linked up! However, I am continuing to make more of an effort to comment on the blogs I read.

Top 3 Favorite Kinds of Food:
I could eat pasta (specifically Capellini Pomodoro with grilled chicken) every single night. This drives B crazy. But I really could.

First 3 Things you do in the morning:
~Open my eyes and find L staring at me. He comes in my room every morning and just stares at me until I open my eyes. If that takes too long, he will tap on my arm. It’s freaky. He’s been wearing his Batman costume a lot lately and I swear, if he ever shows up in my room in the morning wearing that, I am going to freak the eff out.
~Check my phone. If something went on in the world when I was sleeping, I feel like I should know before I start my day. That’s why I gotta get on FB!
~Go to the bathroom / brush my teeth.

Last 3 Things you do at night:
~Check my e-mail (please like you don’t).
~Check on L.
~Check on WB.
I always have to check on the boys right before I go to bed. Always.

3 TV shows you NEVER miss:
This one is hard because I switch my shows up a lot. But here’s what I love now:
~Teen Mom.
~Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
~The Bachelorette
I’m not sure how I am going to watch the first two this week since it will be the first week without cable. But I’ll figure it out.

3 Places you want to visit:
~Bora Bora is on my bucket list that’s for sure.
~Hong Kong
Okay, that was 4 but whatever. There are SO many places out there I want to see. Hopefully when B and I retire (I am sure I will go back to work eventually) we’ll be able to travel all over the place!

3 People you can always count on:
~B. No matter what, I know I can always count on B. We may not always be in the same time zone or even on the same continent, but I know he’s got my back.
~WB and L. It might be weird to count on little kids, but I know that no matter how crappy my day is or how icky I feel, I can always count on them to make me smile.
~My family! I know, no matter what, I can count on them! Except if I divorce B. I think they would continue to invite B over and would have nothing to do with me anymore. LOL.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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