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Sunday Social

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1. What was your first car?
I had a 1990 Ford Probe as my first car.  It was hot.  Not like stolen hot.  Just hot. And I named it “Probie”.  And when I got my next car (also a Probe – but a newer one), I also named it Probie.  By the way, who decided to name a car a “Probe”?  Gross.

image credit:

2. Who was your favorite childhood teacher?
“Mr C.”  Totally Mr. C.  He was my 3rd grade teacher and was such a nice guy.  I’m not going to go all crazy and say he inspired me to become what I am now (aka a stay at home retired mom who blogs), but he was a good guy. 

3. Were you involved in any sports/extracurricular activities? Share pictures if you can!
I’m going to go with no.  It just wasn’t for me.  I think I was in the French Club maybe?  High school was so long ago (for me) so it’s kinda hard to remember?? I was just talking to a friend of mine from high school the other day (his girlfriend reads here so – “Hi Megan!”) and he reminded me that our 20 Year Reunion is coming up soon.  WTF.  How in the world is that even possible???  WAIT, I was in the Ski Club too.  Do you want to know why I was in those clubs?  Because we got to go on fun trips ;).

Vermont (I’m in the middle)

4. What was your favorite birthday party?
It wasn’t a “party”, but I spent my 18th birthday in Paris (see French Club above) and I think that’s pretty fabulous no?  I doubt this picture was from my actual birthday, but you get the idea.  Did you know we didn’t even have digital cameras back then?  Oh my.  And also, I know you guys love when post super old pictures of me looking all crazy, so enjoy another!

On top of the Eiffel Tower

5. Who was your teen celebrity crush?
Other than like Kirk Cameron or something along those lines, there wasn’t really anyone I had a wild crush on.  BUT, I did LOVE those Abercrombie Model’s from the 90’s.  Remember those catalogs / magazines they used (maybe they still do, but back in the day, they were FREE) to send out?  Yes please!

image credit: abercrombie & fitch

6. What show/movie did your parents not allow you to watch?
Hmmm,  my mom might be able to answer this better, but there are no tv shows or movies that I can think of that I wanted to watch but couldn’t.  I got to watch all the good ones.  90210.  Melrose.  All that 90’s trash.

image credit: umm Melrose Place?


If you happen to be stopping by from the link-up, go enter my February Favorite Things Giveaway!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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