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Sunday Social

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You know I can’t pass up a trip down Memory Lane, so you KNOW I am linking up with Ashley and Neely for today’s Sunday Social!

1. What was your biggest middle school fashion mistake?
Umm, how about every single one of them? Penny rolled jeans? Big bangs? Shirts tucked in in the front and out in the back. Bass loafers. I could go on and on.

Those bangs
High school. But also a clear fashion don’t.  And why are we tipping over?

2. Who were your best friends in high school? Pics?
Tiffany. Amber. And Marissa. That was were my crew. I had lots of friends, but those were my main girls. We’d have 90210 parties and shop and do whatever else teenage girls did. I still talk to Tiffany (who just had an adorable baby boy), but I’m not sure what happened to Amber and Marissa? They aren’t on Facebook, so I have no clue what they are up to these days. If you aren’t on Facebook where are you exactly?

Some of the crew.
Another BFF!

3. What was a typical weekend like for you in high school?
Do you know how long ago high school was?? How in the world do you expect me to remember these things? I am going to guess it included going to a party (*), shopping and umm, talking on the phone? And maybe the movies. Movies were always fun.

Party Time

4. Did you have any boyfriends/girlfriends? Tell us about that.
Not really? I had some boys I liked. And some that liked me. But no one that I was ever like OMGIMSOINLOVE with you know??  Since I am 100% sure that my prom date does NOT read this blog and wouldn’t care anyway, I will post this picture.  I’ve probably posted it before, but I look cute in it.  Minus those long slutty red nails.


5. Did you have any secret codes with your friends? Spill your secrets!
Umm, I don’t think so? If I did I don’t recall it at all? Or maybe it was just so secret I can’t tell you?

As if there were time for secret codes with all this amazing fashion going on.

6. If you could relive one day/moment/experience from middle school or high school, what would it be?
OMG, so many! Prom was amazing. And graduation. And all those other random senior class events. I can’t even pick just one! The parties! The laughs. It was all great! And then right after high school, Europe. Life was good. So good!!  Wait, after looking at all this pictures, I am electing to redo prom.  I think I wore nylons.  OMG no.  Gross.

Nylons are the grossest


(*) Never ever did I drink under age. That’s ILLEGAL people. And my little cousins read this. As does my mom. Although she’s not dumb enough to believe this.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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