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Tuesday’s Troubles

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I wouldn’t really call these “troubles”, but “Tuesday’s Troubles” sounded better than “Things I Want to Complain About Tuesday” you know?  Plus, that would be a little wordy in my fancy pants title up there you know?

So the other night I stayed up super extra late to do our taxes only to try and file them and learn that, umm, the IRS isn’t ready because we’ve got such and such credits / deductions on there.  Really dude?  Glad I stayed up super late to find this out.  Because finding out at 7pm might have been a little more fun than finding out at 2am.  Although, I should mention that I think maybe I had heard about this, but of course assumed that it wouldn’t affect ME.  But now that it does, I am annoyed.

Why can’t I connect my tv to the internet?  Like I want wireless internet on my tv.  I want to watch Teen Mom 2 on my tv, not my laptop.  Is this too much to ask for?  I guess.  And I don’t want to run a cord from my laptop to the tv.  I just want it all to happen. I feel like hotels can do it, so why can’t I?

This is a constant trouble of mine, but I cannot stand when my socks don’t stay on my feet.  When they get “loose” I seriously have to take them off and find a new pair.   Or if I am in public, I seriously try to fix the issue. Does this irk anyone else?  Just thinking about it is driving me nuts.

And finally, I am beyond annoyed with bloggers who never reply to a comment, follow someone back on Instagram, etc.  When most bloggers get a new follower, they follow that person back.  If you want to follow ME, then I probably would like you, so why wouldn’t I want to follow you?  I’m not talking about the Pioneer Woman here.  I read some story on a Sunday Social link-up where this girl commented on a certain (she didn’t name it) blog (not even a big blog) all.the.time. and that person never once responded.  I know that sometime’s there is just nothing to say, but come on.  I personally am going to try and respond (via e-mail) to more comments instead of just replying in the comment section.  I fear no one goes back and looks and I would hate for people to think I am ignoring them!

Now it’s your turn, what’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!