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Tuesday’s Troubles

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This won’t be a weekly thing (or maybe it will be?) , but it appears that some more first world problems are brewing this week.  Here’s what’s got me all annoyed today…..

~So I painted my nails on Sunday and guess what?  The polish?  It’s already chipping.  No matter what polish I use, this always happens.  Always.  WTF?  Anyone know how to fix this?  Is there some secret voodoo trick out there?

~I am still annoyed with PopSugar(*) and their slow a** shipping.  Maybe if I complain about this enough someone will do something about it?  Doubtful, but you never know.   But seriously, what in the world takes so long to get a box across the country?  I could have driven there, picked it up and driven back by now.  And taken breaks to sleep.  And stopped visit gaudy tourist attractions.

~Okay, this has been troubling me for years. My dishes are always wet when I take them out of the dishwasher. Why is this? Does my dishwahser suck (**)?  Am I using it incorrectly?  Or is this normal? I don’t want to dry dishes before I put them away.  It seems like it’d be just as easy to wash and dry the by hand. I just want to pluck them out of the dishwasher put them away.  Am I asking too much?

~I was waiting on a Birchbox order, which was “Out for Delivery” to arrive in the mail yesterday.  Mailman came and left (I saw her). No Birchbox package.  Whatever, no big deal.  And then I check the tracking and it says “Notice Left”.  Umm, notice left where?  Not on my door.  And not in my mailbox.  And for what?  It’s a bottle of perfume.  I’d call the Post Office, but hello, they don’t have a phone number to like dial your local Post Office and see what’s up.

~This is the first world problem of all first world problems, but I am annoyed that all my Starbucks frappuccinos don’t taste the same.  I thought all the Starbucks employees were required to attend some sort of barista school?  Do they not invite the Target and Kroger Starbucks employees to this?  This is a serious issue people!  Does anyone else find this to be the case?

Now it’s your turn, what’s troubling you today?

(*) Speaking of PopSugar, I have an extra February box. Should I do a giveaway?
(**) I bought it purely based on looks. No research was put into it. It matched the fridge.  The fact that it sucks could perhaps could be my fault.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!