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Sunday Social

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I am, once again, linking up with Ashley and Neely for today’s Sunday Social.

1. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
That all depends on the day and who is home really. On a cold rainy day with no kids around (this never happens), I would curl up on the couch with the dogs and my laptop and put on some trashy tv. In a perfect world, this would be season 3 of PLL. Now on a warm rainy day, there is nothing more fun than playing outside in the rain! L and I love it. Man, to watch that kid splash in puddles and laugh and laugh, there isn’t much that’s better than that!

So fun

2. What is your favorite thing to do on a summer weekend?
This is easy. On a summer weekend with kids you go up-north. And you play outside all day and then sit around a campfire (with your iPads) at night after they go to bed. Or you head out to the local dive bar (Tally’s in our case) and wonder how in the world you got all those drinks for only $10.

Look at that little WB

3. What is your favorite spring activity?
Anything Easter related is fun to me.  Also, the words “Spring Break” always bring a smile to my face!  The most fun thing to do in Spring is really just getting back outside without a coat on.  And going to the farm to see all those baby animals without a coat on is even better!  ETA: Umm, clearly I copied this from Ashley wrong (I SWEAR her post last week said activity), because I know see everyone else answering “What is your favorite Spring accessory”.  In case you are dying to know, mine would be sunglasses.  They are my favorite all season accessory.

The Bunny is here!
Baby Bunny

4. What is your favorite way to spend a winter day?
WB isn’t much for being outside in the cold, so he and I were forced to stay inside a lot this winter and just got to watch L play.  But I do enjoy playing in the snow with L when I can.  And I also love all the activities that go along with Christmas.  Seeing Christmas lights, baking cookies, reading Christmas stories, etc.

Pure Joy!

5. What is your favorite season and why?
This is east.  Spring.  Spring in Michigan is the best.  Tiger baseball.  Fresh cut grass.  Blooming flowers.  It’s amazing.  Windows start opening.  People are suddenly outside all the time.  You start seeing your neighbors again.  There’s nothing like it.

image credit:

6. What is the best birthday you ever had?
I think we already did this one before and I said my 18th birthday in Paris?  So I will just pick something else this time.  I’m going with my 30th birthday in Cabo.  It just so happened that some pharma reps were staying at our hotel too and had some fancy pants party the night of my birthday.  And they happened to have fireworks on the beach.  Watching those big fancy fireworks from our hotel balcony over the ocean? It was one of those once in a lifetime moments where everything just worked out perfect.

An arch selfie


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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