Friday iPhone Dump

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If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If not, that’s cool too.

1. This is technically from last week, but whatever.  Chick-fil-A = delicious.  And I just looked at their website and it turns out they do have one near’ish to me.  W.T.F.  How did I not know this?

2. Every time B wears these shorts he gives me a little smirk like yeah, I know you hate these and I don’t care.

3. How cute is Buddy’s new haircut?  I love when he gets his haircut super short.  Baxter looks kinda silly, but Buddy always looks like a cute little puppy.

4. The other morning L declared he was taking his iPad outside.  Okay, whatever.  So I go check on him a bit later and this is what I find.  He had dragged a bin into the top of his swingset to use as a table for his iPad and he was just sitting up there, all chilled out watching My Little Pony (*) or something.  L has it made.

5. So we are all sitting at the table eating breakfast and I glance over at WB and he’s cheesing beyond belief.  Just all by himself, just smiling away.  He caught he looking at him and smiled even harder.  So I pretended not to pay attention to him and out of the corner of eye my, I can see him, still smiling away.  He’s cute and he knows it.

6. The boys are happy to be back together and have been playing together extra nice this week.  I don’t even know why I try to get a picture of everyone together.  It never works.

7.  I threw the smoothie I made from my freshfoods Baby Food Maker into my Tupperware popsicle molds, threw it in the freezer for a hours hours and gave it to WB.  He LOVED it.  He’d getting his top two teeth which looks super painful so I bet this feels amazing.

8.  These two.  I don’t know if they want to be in some sort of circus act or just like to make me nervous of what.  But they are CRAZY.  And those googles.  L insists on wearing them every time he is anywhere near the water.

9. I think the neighborhood missed these too while we were gone.  All the dogs in the neighborhood bark at that car, so it was probably pretty quiet without them…

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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