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April KLUTCHclub Men’s Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Edited to Add: KLUTCHclub has merged with Bestowed and no longer offers a separate subscription service.

KLUTCHclub Men Box
April KLUTCHclub Men Box

I received my April KLUTCHclub Men’s box a few days ago and was kind of surprised to see it. I ordered my first box late in March and they sent me the March box and then I assumed I’d start receiving boxes with the normal shipments (around the 15th of the month), but I guess mine don’t follow that schedule since I am just now getting the April May in mid-May?  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind, it’s just a tad confusing ;).

The Box

KLUTCHclub ships via FedEx Smart Post and like my PopSugar Summer Fun box, it breezed right through this month.  Sometimes it takes days to travel 40 miles between FedEx and my Post Office.  This month it took hours.  Woot woot!

First Look
Second First Look

Just like last month, I loved the packaging and the box and will be reusing this.  For something.  Not sure what, but something.

The Information Booklet

I had planned to switch to the KLUTCHclub Mom box, but I never actually did anything about it except think about it, so (by default) I got the KLUTCHclub Men’s box again.  This month’s theme was all about balancing your busy schedule and your healthy lifestyle with the included products.  Here’s what was inside:

~Fresh Feet Wipes ($2.33): I had no idea such an item existed and I am pretty sure I am in love.  I cannot stand when my feet get dirty when I wear flip-flops.  Cannot stand it.  I am imagining that these are some sort of version of a baby wipe (which are the best inventions on this earth), but maybe with a different smell.  I already want more……..

Fresh Feet Wipes

~Nature’s Bakery Fig Bar ($1.25): I’ve had these before (they were in another box once but I am too lazy to look back and figure out which one – bluum maybe) so I was happy to see it again because they are delicious.  B and I ate this after he got home from school and it was the perfect snack.  Similar to fig newtons, but better.  Way better.

Nature’s Bakery Fig Bar

~FRS Healthy Slim Chews ($16.79): I had no idea how expensive these things were.  You are suppose to eat one before a meal and it makes you eat less and feel satisfied sooner. Something in the ingredients signals your fullness to your brain?  I think I’ll make B try these first (although he doesn’t need to eat less) before I do because I like to hear if it makes you feel weird when you take it!

FRS Healthy Slim Chews

~Ziggy Marley’s Hemp Rules ($2.07): I discovered hemp seeds in last month’s Bestowed box and they are much tastier than you’d think!  I am going to try these in a salad for some added protein.  KLUTCHclub also suggests adding them to rice, quinoa or stir fry for some crunch and added heat.  I never would have thought of that on my own!

Ziggy Marley’s Hemp Rules

~Madecasse Dark Chocolate Bites ($2): I’ve had these before and they are totally delicious.  I also like that they are bite sized.  I mean, if you give me more chocolate, I am going to eat more chocolate and that’s not so good!  These are a perfect size to give you just enough of that sweetness we all crave!

Madecasse Dark Chocolate Bites

~Celsius Sparking Orange Drink ($2): So the other day as B was drinking some other drink of this nature, I casually mentioned that I was really excited about trying the Celsius drink in the fridge that came in my Goodies Co. box.  And he just looks at me all guilty and admitted that he drank it.  And then went on to tell me how good it was.  LOL. So we both totally laughed when we saw this!  This one is all mine.  The packets are too ;).

Celsius Sparkling Orange Drink

~Daily Burn 2-Month Membership & $10 Store Credit: ($10): I haven’t totally checked this site out, but it appears that they have tons and tons of different online workouts.  And the cool part is that you can watch them on Apple TV, your iPad, etc. which I really like.  After I finish C25K, I am going to give this a go!

Dailyburn 2-Month Membership & $10 Store Credit

~Hypnosis Network Weight Loss Essentials ($17.56): I didn’t take a picture of this card (the sessions are online), but you get two of the nine sessions in the weight loss series.  I have never tried hypnosis, but I know some people swear by it.  A former co-worker of mine used it to quit smoking and swears by it.  Like the card says, you have nothing to lose by giving it a try, but I have my doubts.  And although I totally trust KLUTCHclub, this website seems a little infomerical’ish no?

~Crunchmaster Crackers ($1): KLUTCHclub recommends ditching the nightly chip habit and reaching for these instead.  They are gluten and dairy free and are an upgrade to your normal processed wheat crackers.  I tried them and do like them, but I chances of me replacing chips for them?  Meh.  B might though.  Perhaps that’s why he looks so good??

Crunchmaster Crackers

~The Ginger People Original Chewy Ginger Candy ($2): These ginger candies are suppose to curb cravings and help you stay satisfied.  They also help with motion sickness and stimulate metabolism.  I like ginger and look forward to trying these!

The Ginger People Original Chewy Ginger Candy

All totaled, the April KLUTCHclub KLUTCHmen box had a value of about $57.  The box also included a $1o gift certificate to their new KLUTCHSHOP, which I am excited about!  KLUTCHclub is $18/month (less if you buy an annual subscription), so I’d say I got a pretty good deal!  And what’s better is that you can use code “GIFT4MOM″ to save 20% off your entire subscription!

The May Boxes

Do you subscribe to KLUTCHclub?  What’d you think about the box?  And what do you think about the May boxes above?  I am trying to decide if I should try a different one for real this month!  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links!
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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