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Tuesday’s Troubles

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

~So I have been complaining about how Fancy Box constantly ships Pink Fancy Boxes late.  Like I thought I got the February box in March, the March box in April, etc.  Except I now find out they didn’t have a February Box, it just started with the March box.  So they are really shipping on time.  So I owe Fancy Box an apology for that.  Or do I?  Because I got billed for 3 boxes ( on 1/27, 2/27 and 3/27) before I finally canceled at the end of April before I got billed again.  I had received two Pink boxes, so I was expecting to get one more right?   WRONG.  Turns out because they were so delayed shipping the first box, they shouldn’t have billed me on 2/27 (remember, I paid for the first box, aka the March box on 1/27).  But they did.  I found this out only because I e-mailed and asked WTF was up?  And now I am unclear if I am getting May box or a refund.  No idea.  Seriously, how confusing is Fancy Box?  I like their boxes, but geez, let’s fix that site!  And if you are still reading this and are actually following along, you should get a prize.

~It’s no secret that I am a big fan of letting my kids get dirty and play in the mud and get covered with paint and all that.  And I get that some people think it’s crazy and that’s cool for them.  But do they need to constantly tell me how crazy I am for letting L splash in mud puddles?  He’s a kid.  he washes clean!  And so do his clothes.  And if he happens to be wearing, gasp, white, that comes clean too. With bleach.  I swear!

~You know what’s really bothering me?  Farrah and her s*x tape.  It got released yesterday and I just can’t.  I can’t.  Oh Farrah, I can promise you that you are not going to be the next Kim Kardashian.  What was she thinking?  I know what I’m thinking.  I’m thinking I’m glad I don’t have to explain this to any teenagers who watch Teen Mom.  Because, umm, yeah, you know they know about it…..

~Ugh, so I did something to my iPhone and now I can’t send iMessages, only text messages.  I know they are the same exact thing, only they aren’t because iMessages are blue and cuter and don’t count as text messages.  WTF did I do??  How do I fix it?  Turning the phone off and back on didn’t work.  Updating it didn’t work.  Willing it to fix itself didn’t work.  Help me!

~I don’t know about you, but I am still troubled by the upcoming shutdown of Google Reader.  Seriously, what I am going to do?  I still haven’t settled on a service to read blogs in.  I just don’t love Bloglovin.  Has anyone switched and fallen in love with a new service? It’s going to be into a world of hurt when it’s really gone in July.  And umm, that’s sooner than I think it is.

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!