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Friday iPhone Dump

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If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If not, that’s cool too.

1. I wasn’t sure what WB would think of the lake since, well, it’s not warm like our neighbors pool or the bathtub, but he loved it!!  I think he would have stayed in longer had it been warmer, but he really enjoyed splashing around!

2. OMG, my brother and SIL’s dog (Jersey) loves swimming and retrieving in the water.  And she even pulls L in.  He grab the rope on her toy she just swims him back him.  He refers to it as “Jersey rides”.  She doesn’t even look back when he grabs the toy.  She just swims!

3. We took the boys to get ice cream the other day, but decide to walk there to get a little exercise.  You would have thought I was making L walk 50 miles.  OMG he’s not a fan of just plain old walking at all.  He can run around the backyard for hours.  But a walk to a specific location?  Not down with it!

4. Last year, when L was 4, he used to jump off the boat into the lake and didn’t even think twice about it.  This year he was not so into it though!  It took a little discussion, but he finally jumped!  And then jumped and jumped and jumped!!!

5.  We went to the 4th of July parade in town yesterday and L scored a boat load of candy.  They threw SO much candy.  My brother got up here later in the day yesterday and saw the bag of candy and didn’t believe it was all parade candy.  But it was.  And I think L has eaten maybe 2 pieces?

6. We went and checked out “the other lake” yesterday and WB could have cared less about the lake but was super into my Uncle’s deck.  He walked and walked all around that thing. Oh, this picture reminds me, B took first place in his age group in the 10K he did yesterday!  Go B!

7. L took WB on a little boat ride yesterday and I think WB enjoyed he.  I mean he didn’t crawl and crawl out so I’ll take that as a sign he enjoyed it.  And L always enjoys having someone to give rides too.

8. WB has never met a sandbox before, but he spend ours in it yesterday.  He happily played in that sandbox and never once tried to crawl out of it.  I haven’t seem him sit that still since he was maybe 4 months old (aka before he could crawl)?  He did try and eat sand once though and discovered that he is NOT a fan ;).

9. I’ve got nothing to saw about this other than that I think WB is cute and that I bought that onesie a year ago just for the 4th of July this year and I almost forgot all about it.  Oh and those stickers he’s been wearing in all the pictures?  L put those on him before the parade and they stayed on all day!  L of course took his off in seconds.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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