July 2013 Tyler Florence Fancy Box Review

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July 2013 Tyler Florence Fancy Box
July 2013 Tyler Florence Fancy Box

Like I mentioned in my earlier Coco Rocha post, my July Tyler Florence Fancy Box arrived today. It was a Fancy day for sure. It looks like only my Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy box is going to be late this month. Last month I believe they all showed a few days after month-end.

The Box

I couldn’t pull these Fancy boxes off my porch fast enough today.  I hadn’t seen any spoilers for the July Tyler Florence Fancy Box yet, and I was itching to open it up and check it out.

First Look

I saw lots of products in the first look and it made me want to dig in and investigate more.  I think our Tyler Florence Fancy box items get used the frequently.  We LOVE last months avocado slicer and use it almost daily.

The Information Cards

I won’t bore you with my love for Fancy Box information cards, but as always I enjoyed them.  I feel like I should also mention that Fancy Box does not have monthly themes.  You can either select from the celebrity curated boxes (Pink, Tyler Florence, Verbal, Coco Rocha, Ashton Kutcher or Jennifer Love Hewitt) or their regular Fancy boxes, but each month does not have an individual theme.   Now that all that is out of the way, here is what was in this month’s Tyler Florence Fancy Box.

~Prepara Ice Balls ($9.99): OMG I love these!   Seriously how cool are they are??  They are molds to make your own ice with fruit, mint leaves, basil, etc in them.  These are going to be so fun to make and I know L will love it.  We just bought a bunch of fruit plants and have basil and mint growing in the garden so we’ve got plenty to work with!

Prepara Ice Balls

~chef’n Juicester ($15): We have a juicer, but never use it so I don’t know if this will get used for actual juice making or not.  But sometimes B’s recipes do require fresh juice, so he’ll use it.

chef’n Juicester

~Stainless Aerator Whisk by Norpro ($8): When I first pulled this out I thought oh boy, another whisk.  And then I realized it had that thing in it that blender bottles have.  It’s supposed to let you make fluffy egg whites and whipped cream much more quickly.  I can’t wait for B to try it.

Stainless Aerator Whisk by Norpro

~Tyler Florence Fried Chicken Seasoning ($5): Ohh, B has made fried chicken before and I look forward to him making it again with this.

Tyler Florence Fried Chicken Seasoning

~Chef Barmops & Clean Cloths ($20): Again, these are perfect for B!  Hopefully they will inspire him to keep him workspace a little more, umm, clean?  Probably not though and I suppose that’s fine because then I will get to use these!  He makes the meals and I clean them up.  We are a good team.

Design Imports Barmops & Clean Cloths

~Sonoma Smoked Olive Oil ($24): B just used up his fancy olive oil and was very excited to see another one arrive.  Just in time. This is made from fresh California olives and the card says it’s a perfect compliment to just about anything!

Sonoma Smoked Olive Oil

All totaled, the July Tyler Florence Fancy Box had a value of $81.99, which is well over the $46.95 cost of the box!  I thought this was another great Fancy Box and can’t wait to see what Tyler Florence picks next month!  I think he’s boxes are my favorite celebrity Fancy boxes!

Did you get the July Tyler Florence Fancy Box?  What’d you think?  If you are thinking of ordering this or ANY of the Fancy Boxes, click here and get on it! You can always use the coupon code “FOLLOWUP10” to save 10% on any Fancy.com, order, including subscription boxes.  Oh, and if you can’t find the Fancy Box you are looking for, I suggest just doing search for “Fancy Box“. It’s much easier than trying to navigate their site!

Disclosure: This post contains referral links. Referral links mean if you make a purchase through my link, I will get credit at Fancy.com.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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