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Plated Review + A Giveaway!!

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Plated Review
Plated Review

Plated delivers fresh, ready-to-cook ingredients paired with gourmet recipes so that you can cook delicious meals at home. You choose the recipes you would like to order, and Plated delivers all the perfectly portioned ingredients to your door once a week!  Plated currently ships to the Midwest and  Northeast and are working to expand across the country over the next few months.  When Plated asked me if I wanted to try out some plates and check out their service I jumped at the chance.  B loves food boxes, so I knew he’d be totally into helping with this review (he cooks the meals).

The Box

Plated ships via FedEx and arrives on Tuesdays.  I seriously placed my order at 11:40am on Monday and it was at my door on Tuesday.

First Look
Second Look

Plated arrived at the same time that something from Fancy arrived, so I dragged them in at the same time.  I wasn’t thinking straight and should have left the Plated box outside to see how fresh and “cool” everything was after a few hours on my porch.  Per the Plated website, items will remain fresh for up to 5 days in your fridge as long as you get the items transferred out of the box on the evening they arrive.

Membership to Plated is $10/month and “plates” (or meals) are $12/plate for 4+ plates or $10/plate for 6+ plates. Basically that’d break down to 3 meals for 2 people (i.e. 6 plates) for $70.  Shipping is included and you can select whatever plates interest you that week or skip if you aren’t into them or are going out of town.  Non-members pay $14/plate for 6+ plates, which would be $84.  Plated also has a referral program which earns you free plates by referring friends!

Okay, enough of all that.  Let’s get to the good stuff ;).  Here are the plates we received last week:

Meal #1 – Grilled Chicken with Avocado and Feta Salad and Baked Sweet Potato Fries: When I saw the Plated options for last week, I was thrilled.  This one had my name written all over it.  Avocado and Sweet Potatoes are my crack.  The grilled chicken was just your basic grilled chicken, the fries were delicious, and the salad?  OMG that salad was TDF.  The feta was a direct violation of my clean eating, but it was so so worth it.  B couldn’t shovel it in his mouth fast enough.  I limited myself to the portion on my plate, but B went for the bowl of leftovers. We have this recipe saved because this salad is happening again.  And again.  And again!  LOVED it!

Grilled Chicken with Avocado and Feta Salad and Baked Sweet Potato Fries – The Recipe
Grilled Chicken with Avocado and Feta Salad and Baked Sweet Potato Fries – The Ingredients
Grilled Chicken with Avocado and Feta Salad and Baked Sweet Potato Fries – The Meal

Meal #2 – Seared Tuna Nicoise Salad: I couldn’t decide what to get for meal #2.  It was between a chicken dish and this.  I decided to go a little out there and go for the Seared Tuna.  I am totally down for rare tuna at restaurants, so I figured why not try making it at home?  And B did an amazing job.  This was also totally delicious (even better than I expected actually) and we will be recreating it.  Does anyone else do these with recipes from food boxes like these? He makes the recipes when they come in the box and then we save them and recreate.  We’ve learned that it’s not always easy to find the ingredients (which is why these boxes are so fabulous) and that you can’t always get cuts of meats in the exact sizes you need for the recipes, but sometimes you just love a meal so much you gotta have it again!

Seared Tuna Nicoise Salad – The Recipe
Seared Tuna Nicoise Salad – The Ingredients
Seared Tuna Nicoise Salad – The Meal

Plated gets a total thumbs up from us and I will for sure be adding it our food subscription box rotation!! My goal is to have one come every two weeks or so.  B gets sad when he hears no food boxes are on their way ;).  We would get them every week, enough for every day of the week if we could, trust me.  B is obsessed and really really enjoys making these meals!

What do you think of Plated?  If you are interested in giving it a try or want to learn more, click here to try two free plates!  Basically you’ll get 4 plates for the price of 2 ($30)!!  That’s 4 meals/plates for $30, which is less than $8/plate.  It’s like going out for a fine meal without ever leaving your house.  And if that’s not enough, Plated wants to give Two of you Four Free Gourmet Plates!!  All you gotta is follow the rules in Rafflecopter below and get yourself entered!  Good Luck!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This box was received for review purposes.  No compensation was received and all opinions are my own (and B’s).  Truth be told I would have enetually gotten around to this box anyway.  It was on my list ;).  Also, This post contains referral links.  B needs some Plates!  You should see the look he gives me when I tell him there are no food boxes on the way.  He would probably come over and cook your Plated meals if you lived close.  He gets all into it and puts an apron on and gets his “cooking music” (think Sinatra) going.  He loves it.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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