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Friday’s Letters

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Dear IKEA, Sadly we were unable to connect this week. Hopefully we’ll be able to work something out next week, because I miss you.

Dear This Week, I don’t know why we didn’t get as much done as we’d planned, but I am sad. Hopefully this weekend is more productive than you have been.

Dear My Laptop, If you are going to die, just do it already. Give me a little warning though so I can back some things up. Oh wait, maybe that’s what you have been doing by giving me all these disk space warnings?

Dear Barnes and Noble, I couldn’t have felt like a bigger idiot looking for “Orange is the New Black” yesterday. Thankfully one of your nice employees located it for me. In the back. No wonder I couldn’t find it on the floor!

Dear WB and L, I cannot wait to see how excited you both are going to be when you see each other today!  Watching you guys Facetime yesterday was the cutest thing ever.

Dear NBC, How about you stop showing commercials for shows that aren’t coming back on the air until late September.  That’s too far out for me to get excited about.  It just ends up annoying me.

Dear L’s School, How about you get that supply list posted on your website?  I see them up for every other school in the district except you.  Oh and WTF is with all the glue sticks on these lists?  That’s A LOT of glue sticks.

Dear B, Thanks for taking the garbage out this week.  I owe you one.  And just thanks.  You are a good guy and I am a lucky girl.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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