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Tuesdays Troubles

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It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Troubles. I’ve said it before, but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is. And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know that many of these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~So I was browsing on eBay last night and decided to randomly search for the Missoni for Target chevron throw / blanket from a few years ago. Everyone in this house loves the one we have and I wouldn’t mind another (aka I don’t want to share). Well I certainly found some on eBay, but umm, they are going for like $200?  For real?  WTF? I thought maybe the popularity of these would have died down by now, but clearly they have NOT.  I’ll check again in a few years because I don’t want one that badly!

~I caught up on The Rivals II a little last night and OMG, why do these people fight all the time?  Even when they aren’t drunk, they are just crazy.  I’ve love to see these good get together with some of The Real Housewives for a complete pile of craziness. Maybe one day there will be a crossover and my wish will come true.

~My biggest “trouble” today is all about garage sale pricing.  I am going with a $1 / $5 / $10 system for the most part, but I am kind of at a loss on what to put on items like clothing?  Do I sell old North Faces at a garage sale or are they more of a thredUP / twice  item?  And if not, how do I price something like that?  And just clothing in general?  Also, is it weird to have a “free” box?  Like with branded t-shirts (I’m looking at you MGM Grand shirts) or just stuff I wouldn’t feel right putting a price tag on.  My SIL and I think it’s normal, but I just want to double check ;).

~This has always troubled / annoyed me, but why do 911 calls get released to the public?  I mean, I suppose I know why and understand it (in some cases), but at the same time it just seems SO personal.    I shudder when I hear some of them on the news.

~And finally, how does one “pick a sport” for their kids?  L is 5 and doesn’t really have an opinion one way or another about what he wants to play.  Well wait, he wants to play volleyball (?), but there isn’t really a volleyball league for 5 year olds.  So do I just randomly pick between baseball, soccer and like karate? I know he’d love to do something, but what?

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!