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Friday’s Letters

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Dear Nordstrom Girls, I cannot thank you enough for fixing my way too expensive Tom Ford sunglasses I got for Mother’s Day. I popped the lens out on accident while cleaning them and feared the worst. However, you ladies saved the day for me. #nordstromforthewin

Dear Creepy Dude Who Was Sitting Outside My House Yesterday, Dude, you really should NOT do that because it’s super weird. And then when I ask if I can help you with something you act like I’m the creepy one? Turns out you work for Comcast. Perhaps you should wear a badge?? And umm, not having cable isn’t THAT nuts. For reals.

Dear My New MacBook, I love you. I also love that you have nothing on your desktop, no pictures to sort through, nothing. I am considering doing all my work using an external hard drive from now on. This rules.

Dear L, I was so so so excited for you when you “got blue” yesterday at school. That is a huge deal and means you were on your A+++++++ best ever behavior. You looked so proud when you came out of school and I was so proud of you. (some days at school no one “gets blue”. Some days only one or two kids do. It’s a big deal).

Dear Target, Grrrr. I came to visit you yesterday JUST to get packing tape and a some stuff to Boo my neighbors with and somehow I forgot to get the stuff to Boo with. Figures. Guess I will just have to go back today. So sad.

Dear B, You don’t know this yet, but before or after I go to Costco with my mom on Monday, I am going to get a pedicure. All by myself. Just me. All alone. You can sleep in (it’s Columbus Day), but that pedicure is all mine.

Dear Whoever is Still Lighting Off Fireworks in My Neighborhood, Really? It’s October. Haven’t we had enough by now? And on a Thursday night? Come on now.

Dear The Tigers, Holla!  Thanks for the win last night.  Makes me feel not so bad that I bought the boys new matching Just Verlander tees this week.  They will be needing those tees next week (I tried to buy the boys non-matching tees, but L wasn’t having it).

Dear Kwame, Enjoy your time, all 28 years, in prison.  I’m not really sure you believed this was ever really going to happen.  Well it did.  Goodbye.

Dear WB, Kid, you are a trip.  You still refuse to talk (and why should you?  I know what you want.  A popsicle. That’s always what you want), but kid, your actions crack me up.  Like yesterday when you were dumping cups of water on your head in the bathtub and laughed your face off every time.  Or when you randomly spin around in circles and then fall over when you try to walk?  Priceless.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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