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Thursday Thoughts

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TTGood copy

~First things first! I FINALLY decided it was time to get a new macbook yesterday! The (little) boys and I went to pick it up after school and I’m in love. I had (well have) a MacBook Pro and I decided to get a MacBook Air this time. It’s SO light! OMG.  Amazing.  I’m still working on getting everything switched over, but so far so good!

Just waiting at the play area at the mall until it could see it’s new house.

~I’m not sure if I mentioned it, but B joined the National Guard this week.  No real reason other than he wanted to.  Everyone asks.  I wasn’t there but someone (a recruiter maybe) sent B a few pictures of him taking his oath of enlistment (I think that’s what it’s called).  I blurred out the other guy because I have zero clue who he is, but B said he looked like Jesse Pinkman ;).  Oh and I am super annoyed that he hasn’t gotten a uniform yet.  I’ve asked him half dozen times when that’s going down and he’s like I don’t know?  But there will be pictures (*) when it happens for sure!!

B and Jesse

~Oh and speaking of B, that marathon he was training for?  Yeah, well he stopped training and is still planning on running.  Oh and it’s this Saturday.  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous for him.  And then next weekend he’s running the Urbanathlon (which is why we are going to Chicago). It should be an interesting few weeks that’s for sure!

~I’m still expecting a few boxes this week including PopSugar, Fabletics, Mama’s Got Mail and Appleseed Lane.  And I should have reviews up for The Fantasy Box, Carefree Crafts and FAIRtreasure up soon!  And eek, I need to get Crafter’s Crate (I want to do all the projects this time so you get a better idea of what you get in their boxes) and PixieBar completed as well!  And I am thinking about trying a few new boxes this month / next month and wanted to get some input.  Anything you want to try but just aren’t sure about??  Blush Mystery Beauty Box? A Quarterly Co. Box?  I’m open to suggestions!

~Umm, did anyone see Kanye on Kimmel last night?  W.T.F.?  I don’t think Kimmel knew what to do with him.  What I got out of it is that he thinks Kim Kardashian should get a star on the Walk of Fame, people are STILL stealing his leather jogging pants idea and that “it’s not safe for you in this zoo”.  Well then.  Okay.  But the best part of Kimmel was his Mean Tweets bit.  OMG does he do that often?  Hysterical.  I was dying.

~Does this seem like the longest week ever to anyone else?  Seriously how is it not Friday yet??  B got home (from school) super late last night and we were like no seriously, it’s only Wednesday??

The boys are annoyed by this week too.

~And finally, my Tigers are playing tonight!!! If they don’t win, it’s the end of the season, so yeah, they NEED to win. I can already feel my stress levels increasing and the game isn’t for like 12 hours!  GO TIGERS!

That’s it for now!  What’s on your mind today?



(*) Sometimes, when I am super duper duper mad at B, he will disappear into the basement (where I think he is going to get away from me) and emerge wearing his old Army uniform. This doesn’t happen often (MAYBE once a year if that), but he knows it works.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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