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November Carnivore Club Review + Coupon Code

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Carnivore Club
Carnivore Club

Carnivore Club, who sent me this box to review, is the exclusive meat of the month club for discerning individuals! Every month members of the Carnivore Club will receive 4 to 6 different selections of cured and smoked meats, charcuterie and jerky from across the planet.  To say that B was excited about this box would be an understatement.

The Box

Carnivore Club ships via USPS Priority Mail.  All the meat shipped is “ready to eat” so there is no need to worry about getting home quickly to pop it in the fridge or any of that.

First Look

I opened the package and could not wait to get a picture sent to B!  I knew he was going to be so excited.  This kind of box is so B!

The Information Card

This month Carnivore Club selected “Crusted Duck Charcuterie” as their artisan supplier.  They were created by a small group of family and friends with a mission to create authentic old world charcuterie with an American twist.  Carnivore Club sends an information card with product descriptions and some pairing ideas.  We did receive a few differences between the box and the information card, however, since this was a review box I didn’t worry about it too much.  Here is what we received:

~Crusted Duck Pancetta Americano ($12):  This is described as a “hunk of pork belly” and undergoes an over 6 week process before it’s delicious enough to eat.  When I originally opened the package I though, no, this is not safe to eat, how is this possible?  But it is.  It’s totally fine (thas how it’s made) t’d totally delicious.  B loved it.

Pancetta Americano

~Crested Duck Duck Jerky Sticks ($6): This was what B went for first in the box!  He loves jerky and and I even enjoyed these myself.  They are made form organic, muscovy duck thigh meat, minced several times and stuffed into lamb casing.  The card says that they take only a weeks to age, but they are painstakingly made by hand.

Duck Jerky Stick

~Crested Duck Moroccan Lamb Coppa ($7.25): We have not had a chance to try this one yet, but I think it’s going to happen tonight.  To make this, they start with lamb shoulders, de-bone them, cure them for several weeks, rub them down with north African spices like turmeric, aleppo peppers, caraway and cumin and aged them for 3-4 months.

Moroccan Lamb Coppa

~Crested Duck Nduja ($5.25):  The information card says that this is salami, but it’s not like any salami I have ever had.  It’s consistency is spreadable.  Like that of pate.  It’s different for sure, but not awful by any means!


~Crusted Duck Mole ($5.75): I would try and describe this, but to me it tastes like meat.  LOL.  It has a similar consistency to the jerky, but I actually liked this better. This was the item that wasn’t on the information card (Dirty Martini Salami which I think is different), so I have no idea how it’s made. But we both liked it.


All totaled I came up with a value of about $40 for this box, however, I suspect my pricing is off because nothing is actually available for sale on-line.  Other than actually going to “Crusted Duck Charcuterie” I don’t even know how you would you try any of these without Carnivore Club!

What do you think of Carnivore Club?  B loved it and it might be something we need to add to our monthly box rotation!  At least every once in a while!  Carnivore Club is $50/month, but you can use the code “ramble10” to save $10 off your first month!  Click here if you want to order or just check them out.  I think this would make such a great gift for that guy in your life who has everything!

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. As always, all opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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