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Tuesdays Troubles

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It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Troubles. I’ve said it before, but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is. And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know that many of these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~So we have this mysterious shortage of spoons in our house. We have eight or ten or whatever of all the other utensils (including salad forks and giant spoons), but umm, we have four spoons. WTF? Where are they all? No one leaves the house with real spoons in their lunches (not like I used to do when I lived at my parents and constantly took their spoons and left them at my office), so where are they? It’s seriously driving me crazy. It’s like those socks that disappear in the laundry. I refuse to buy an entire new set of silverware, so it’s either hunt down some matching spoons or use giant spoons from now on.

~Sort of related, but not really, do you have a set of fine china?  Do you use it?  I needed a   gorgeous set of Vera Wang fine china when we got married and yeah, I never use it.  It looks stunning in the china cabinet that’s for certain, but I want to use it!  Do I just break this out for normal dinners with B?  Because clearly all that fancy entertaining I thought I was going to do is NOT happening.  B and I find ourselves using plastic kids bowls on a regular basis.

~As you know Santa is bringing L bunk beds for Christmas and I am working on picking up some other things for his superhero room.  I snagged these vintage (well not really) superhero tin metal signs and am hoping to pick up a few more things to surprise him with.  I want to do a Pottery Barn type anywhere chair or bean bag or something, but I want it to be cheaper than that.  And figure out some sort of area reading area for him. Ideas??

~I have about 10 unlistened to voice mails on my iPhone and not only do I not plan to listen to them, I can’t bring myself to delete them.  It makes no sense as they are just appointment reminders (that have passed), calls from the electric company telling me they will be reading my meter in two days and not to be concerned if there is a creeper in the yard, whatever.  Why can’t I delete?  Does anyone else have this issue?

~And finally, I need some ideas for crafts and games for L’s Christmas party at school.  Nothing too fancy or time consuming because we usually do about 5 activities and rotate the kids through them all.  Help!!

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!