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Friday’s Letters

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Dear My Internet, You suck. And Dear AT&T, please do not direct me to use the customer service on the internet to report a problem with MY INTERNET.

Dear L, I find it quite amusing that your hair stylist got you a Christmas present (playdoh and a car). No wonder you like it there so much. Presents and cider and pretty girls. Not a bad way to spend the evening!

Dear Weather People, Please please please don’t be wrong about this snow that’s supposed to be coming. L checks the weather and is counting on it! Pease!!!!

Dear Chocolate Milk in Little Boxes, Why do you taste better than regular chocolate milk in the carton? Is it your cute little straw? The fact that you cost way more? Not sure, but I do love you.

Dear Instagram, What are these new features I hear about? Should I be rushing to update? Am I missing out?

Dear WB, When will you (and sometimes even your brother) learn that you do not have to tilt straw cups in the air to drink them? You know what that makes? A mess.

Dear L’s Teacher, Thank you for letting L go check out a library book the day after the class normally has library (*).   He was thrilled!

Dear Stacey, Have I mentioned lately how great it is to have a friend overseas?  Scarves sold out in the US, UK only lip balm, you’ve got it covered!  Thank you!

Dear B, Congrats on another fabulous semester completed!!!  3 A’s so far and two grades not yet posted.  You are awesome baby!  Maybe if I would have went to my classes I would have gotten all A’s in college too.  Maybe not though.

Dear L, Umm, no.  I wouldn’t have know what that made up Spanish word meant if I “had a job”.  It was MADE UP.  Not a real word.  You don’t need a job to know how to GTS (**).

(*) There was some mix up about the book L had checked out the previous week with the librarian saying that he didn’t turn it in so he couldn’t check out a new book. But L totally did turn it.  Turns out some other kid grabbed it before the librarian had a chance to check it in.
(**) GTS = Google That Sh*t
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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